Chapter 10

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I sat on the porch in father's old rocking chair with a mug of hot tea resting in my hands.

It was a cool, autumn day, the light breeze was calming as I rocked myself back and forth.

I heard the front door open and I turned to see Mr. Mustang walk out and look at me. "Do you mind if I join you?"

I shook my head as he sat next to me. "I have something for you."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled, reaching into his pocket. He took one of my hands and placed a small, black box in it and closed my fingers around it. "Here you go."

I opened the box, which contained a beautiful pair of earrings.

"So, do you like them? I made them myself."


"Yeah. I transmuted them from things I found outside."

"They're beautiful, Mr. Mustang, but you didn't need to do this for me."

"I know I didn't need to, but I wanted to. You do so much around here and Master Hawkeye doesn't appreciate it as much as he should." He ran his hand through his raven colored hair. "And plus, I heard today was a special day."

I blushed and looked down.

He took my hand and squeezed it. "Are your ears pierced?"

"They are." I replied. "Thanks, Mr. Mustang. I love them."

"Happy Birthday, Miss Hawkeye." He smiled at me. "You know, you can call me Roy if you want to."

I smiled back. "As long as you call me Riza."

"Okay." He scratched the back of his neck.

I put my cup of tea down and hugged the young alchemist. "Thank you Mr.- I mean, Roy."

He hugged me back. "You're welcome, Riza."

"Roy!" Hughes' voice filled the air.

Roy groaned and pulled me tighter.

"Lieutenant Hawkeye?" A voice I recognized as Edward Elric's asked.

Roy and I jumped. I looked up to see Lieutenant Colonel Hughes and Edward Elric standing at the foot of our bed. 

Roy sat up. "Hughes! Why did you bring the shrimp into my house!? Are you trying to tell the whole world about me and Riza!?"

"Relax, I won't tell anyone about your little secret, General." Ed said

"You better not, because if one more person finds out about this I will not hesitate to grab my gloves and scorch you! And that goes for you as well, Hughes! The only time anyone else will EVER know is if Riza or myself tell them, alright!?"

They both stood silent and just nodded. Roy could be intimidating if he wanted to.

He sighed, letting his body relax. "Now, what is it you need?"

"We need your help on a mission." Hughes said. "Do you want to talk about it in the living room after you get dressed?"

Roy ran his fingers through his hair. "I suppose. I'll need to take a quick shower, so make yourselves comfortable."

"Okay." Hughes said, leading Ed out of our bedroom. He shut the door behind him.

Roy stretched and stood up. "Well, I should hurry before they start getting impatient."

I love you, Mustang part 2Where stories live. Discover now