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Nick pushed fully into me, the room filling with unwanted screams of pain. It didn't hurt as bad as the first time, but I didn't want this. I couldn't scramble away, I couldn't move myself. 

"A-ANDY, HELP ME! PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed out, there's no way he could hear me.


Just then the door slammed open revealing the one I longed to see for days upon days.


~Andys pov~

I ran through the corridors of the underground prison where they had kept Ashley. I followed his screams of pain and opened the door to find the worst I had imagined.

Ashley was pinned to the ground, a Blondie on top of him inside him, biting his neck, Ashley was screaming and crying out in pain staring at me with hopeful eyes.

Anger flushed through me, I ripped the Blondie off and threw him on the ground, repeadily punching his face in.

Jake, Jinxx and CC ran in quickly scanning the room before tackling me down and holding him back from killing him.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH, ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" I screamed, trying to escape Jake and Jinxxs grips.

CC called from the corner where Ashley was whimpering and sobbing.

I froze in place and turned to Ashley, he was clutching onto CC for his life, both dry and new blood covered him and tears streaming down his face.

I ran beside him and fell on my knees. Taking his curled up body from CC.
"Oh my god, Ashley.." I pulled him closer, he clutched onto my shirt trying to pull himself up.

He was weak, sobbing and clinging to me.
"Ashes, baby, calm down. I'm here, I'm here."

"Andy, let's take him home."

I nodded, lifted Ashley up bridal style and ran home with Ashley still sobbing and burrying his face in my chest.

I laid him on the couch.
Ashley kept repeating the word 'no' and pulled on my arm as strongly as he could.

"Ashley, I have to let CC take care of you." CC knew a bunch of medical shit that I didn't understand at all.

"No, no, no, no, no, no..." He continued sobbing and pulling on my arm.

I sighed and caressed his cheek with my hand.

"Andy, you gotta move." CC came up to me from behind.

I kissed Ashley's forehead and forced myself to move out of the way.

Ashley continued to sob, it pained me as I watched  CC worked on him with Jinxxs assistance.
He was naked but nobody really cared at this point.

Jake comforted me as much as he could, it took about two hours before Jinxx and CC finished.

Ash looked much better but they had to give him a sleeping shot because he wouldn't stop shaking and sobbing.

"He's okay. Nick tried to mark him but you stopped him before he could make it official. But..." CC looked at me, "he does own Ashley for two weeks until the mark fades."

I put my head in my hands, blaming myself. "I should've been able to protect him. I should've ran faster. I should've-"

"Andy, don't blame yourself, its not your fault."

I sniffled, letting a tear slide off my cheek.

Ashley belongs to that psycho Nick for two whole weeks, which means I can't touch Ashley for another two weeks or I'll die. Rules are rules.

"We're going to have Jake take him to his house in Utah, in two weeks when we are sure it's safe for you two to be around each other he will bring him back."

I nodded, Jinxx and CC went to get cleaned up and Jake got up, I stopped him before he could walk.
I gripped my hand on his wrist, "Take care of him, if you do ANYTHING, your dead. Got it?"
"Andy, I wouldn't hurt him for my life."

I released my grip on him and watched him carry the sleeping Ashley out and he got into his car, and drove off with my mate.

MY mate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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