Flash Back

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(*** Flash Back***)

        "Honey, go hide, find somewhere to hide and stay there until I come get you. Oh baby I love you so much. Hide!" Mother says trying not to cry her goldish white hair messy and stuck on her face, I did as I was told, I could hear crashing and noises coming from down stairs, run to mommy's bed room and run into her wardrobe cubed keeping my knees to my chest and praying we would be safe. I hear yelling and bad words then mommy screaming I squeeze my hand over my mouth as tears stream my face. I hear voices and footsteps approaching, I can't see them but I know they are in the room, they sniff the air.

        "Looks like we are not alone." One says, footsteps coming closer and closer, then the doors open, there stood a man covered in blood. "Looks like the whore has a made a bitch!" He says with a cold laugh clapping his hands. "This day keeps getting better! First I killed your mommy! Now I am going to kill you!" He says in a cooing voice reaching his arms to pick me up, I scream and start to kick. Then I feel the back of his hand collide harshly onto my cheek leaving me stunned. "Now that's not nice!" He says mocking sadness. "Do you know what? I won't kill you, not yet. I will keep you and have my fun. Then when I get bored I will let you go, then one day I will show up and take you again, over and over, so you know you will never be safe and you will NEVER forget." He says taking me with him to start the first stage of the hell.

(*** Flash Back Ends**)

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