Feeling safe

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        I snap out of my flash back by Meredith trying to calming me down, as I am in the bath hyperventilating, rocking as I sob. Suddenly the door is broken down and Elijah rushes to me, begging for someone to say what's going on, without hesitating he comes into the bath and pulls to his lap rocking me back and forth shushing me softly saying sweet nothings, telling me to breathe. It works, in moments I start controlling my breath and come back to the present. I look up at Elijah, without caring of my nakedness, there was many bubbles to cover me, I turn to him and hug him. From what Meredith said the mate calming the other one works! I cry a little but not like before. I hugged him tight and he held me too still saying sweet nothings.

        "He will never EVER hurt you Elisabeth, no one will! I will not let anyone lay a hand on you. Baby girl you are safe, you had a panic attack." His says with such determination and promise, I kiss his cheek.

      "I am sorry your cloths are all wet." I say sleepily. Elijah chuckles as if he did not care.

       "I don't care." He says kissing my forehead. "All I care about is you. And that you are safe." He says stroking my hair back. It as if he can hear my thoughts... "I can." He says, I look at him in shock. Damn it. He chuckles while I yawn. "Turn around let me wash your hair." He says softly and I do as he says, slowly finding myself falling to sleep.

Elijah' P.O.V

       Not even knowing my mate for a whole day, I love her. All I want to do is protect her, to live my life with her, to mark her and mate with her, have so many pups and raise them together. I bathed her trying to be gentle not to wake her. My wolf was trying to take control but he knew we needed to look after our mate first. Once I wash her amazing perfect body, I dried, I kept growling and cursing at myself to keep me focuses making sure my eyes don't wonder too much. I can't until when I can mark and make love to her, her mind and body are so beautiful and breathe taking. Though I have seen she has been through hell and back, I could not imagine what it's living in her shoes with a pass like that and memories a blink away. But she is safe now, nothing can hurt her, I will make sure of it.

      I put her in one of my tops that reached mid-thigh, she is such a small mate, though, she is small she still has amazing curves. I brush her long blonde hair into a ponytail and place her in my- our bed tucking her in. Kissing her forehead before I get into bed. As soon as I lay down Elisabeth moved and curl up to me, not wanting to let me go. That made my heart melt, I love this, falling asleep with my mate in my arms what more could I want.

      'Too mark and have your wicked way with her...' My wolf says with a chuckle.

     'Shut up.'

Elisabeth's P.O.V

      Birds singing in the trees letting us know the sun is up and the day has already started. I sit up seeing Elijah must have already left a part of me felt a little down because of that. My stomach starts rumbling, I get up and may my way to the door, before leaving I take the bandages off my feet to find that they are completely healed, I have always been a fast healer. I wonder through the halls looking for a way to the kitchen, I finally find stairs! This place is so big I don't know how people who live here not get lost!

      "Do you need help?" Someone asks from behind me, making me jump and almost falling down the stairs, luckily they court me in time. I see a man thinish still very mussely but not like Elijah, he has big brown eyes and brown curly shaggy hair, his skin tan and he was walking around with just jeans on no top. He looks at me then realises. "You're the girl from the woods!" He exclaims making me blush.

     "You heard of me?" I ask.

   "I was there! I was running with the others trying to learn the ropes of patrol. What you did to that guy was SICK!" He says making me cringe, I don't know, I guess it was? I don't really remember, I was so mad, I have never done anything like that before in my life.

    "Josh!!" A growl came from behind him making him go all wide eye. "Leave our Luna alone before Alpha rips your throat out." This man looking mean, but only fake looking mean.

   "Yes Beta Kyle!" He says before running in a different direction. I can't help but giggle. Kyle walks up to me giving me a smile.

    "I am sorry about Josh, he is still a pup. I will take you to Elijah, he is in the kitchen." Kyle says, acting like a complete different person, his light blue eyes sparkle. "It's good to finally meet you Elisabeth. I am Elijah's second in command. Finally Jason has a weak spot! You have no idea how happy I am, he always makes fun of me being all whipped by my mate but now he has one I can make fun of him." He laughs.

     "I am glad I am able to help." I laugh, shaking my head. "It's funny, Josh is so scared of you, but it's funny, when I see you I don't see a big scary man. But I understand why you got to have the 'scary vibe' for the men especially the pups. Living in a pack, you all got to work together, if not and something happens, people could die. They need that though in the back of their head that you will whoop their ass, so they know they have to do better and not disappoint you or the alpha." I say as Kyle leads me to the kitchen, there sitting at the counter was Elijah he looked straight up at me as we walk in. I walk up to him, but quickly turn back to Kyle. "I really respect that Kyle." I say to him, he looks shocked and then pulls me into a hug. Elijah growls, Kyle lets go.

     "Elijah, she's amazing, not ever hurt her." He says to Elijah then looks back at me. "You will make a wonderful Luna." He says before he leaves. I smile and turn to Elijah, he pulls me to sit on his lap. I felt so.... safe.


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