Opening Up even if it's just a little

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Elisabeth's P.O.V

I sit on the new bed, its sooo big I think we all will be comfortable. We have placed Alice in her baby carrier but I hold her little baby hand because each time I move away she starts crying. I think she has become attached to me, making my heart melt. But I can't help but wonder about their dad, what's happened. Jarred when he thinks no one is looking his eyes are filled with grief and it's obvious when he looks at Alice. 

 "Jarred, do you and Alice live in the pack house?" I ask looking up at him, he was sitting where he was this morning reading the same book.

 "No we still live in our old house, but I am planning on asking the Alphas permission to move in here." He says in a thoughtful tone. 

 "Why you moving?" I ask, hoping not to sound too nosy. 

"Our mother, after our father died from a attack on the pack, since then she got sick, she didn't eat, drink or move when she did eat she would through up it was like her body stopped working. A few months later, she got really sick, she then passed away. It's always likely happens when people loses their mate." He says a tear falls from his cheek, I froze, seeing him cry breaks my heart, he is serious a lot of the time. I slowly move Alice's fingers from mine and I go over to Jarred and without thinking I just hug him, he seemed a little shocked before hugging me back. 

"I am sorry Jarred." I say pulling away rubbing his shoulders. "You are welcome to live here. I will ask Alec and Elijah, but maybe you should have Alec's old room, causethe three of us will be here and you being my protector you should be somewhere close-ish. Plus then Alice will be close and I can look after her whenever, you can go out have fun and I can look after her." I tell him, as soon as I talk Alice starts to cry and fuss. I go back to her and rock her gently "I am here, I am here." I coo at her she takes my hand and places it in her mouth, I laugh and pull away, grabbing one of her toys, she then brings that to suck on it. 

 "Thank you Beth." Jarred says wholeheartedly. I move Alice so she is next to me as I lay down and rest. Today has really taken it out of me. 

 Piercing screams and cries make me from my dreamless rest. Alice! I shoot into sitting position, I took to see what's happened what's made her cry. I see Alec trying to take Alice away from me. 

"No no no what are you doing?!" I say is a rush franticly trying to wake up. I quickly take Alice, kissing the top of her head holding her close. 

 "I was thinking of taking her to Jarred who's got her bottle ready. I also was then going to wake you up saying dinner is soon." Alec says trying to be careful of his words, like he has just found a mother bear and is too close to her cub. I could see him trying to fight a smile at my last thought. "It kind of dose feel that way kitten." He says with a chuckle, I have Alice in one arm and I grab my pillow from behind me and I throw it at Alec who laughs and catches it. I look down at Alice, I can't always be by her side 24/7 sadly, I need her to feel safe and trust the boys. 

 "Alec come here, sit down." I tell him which he does without question. "Okay, Alice baby, this is Alec, he is Alpha." I say to her, soft voice, but funny enough, she looks like she is listening. She is only just four months old she seems to be a very smart baby. "His job is to protect you okay. He won't let anything bad happen to you." I say to her as I do I pass her over to Alec. "You are such a good girl Alice." I coo over her, as she is place into Alec's arms. Alice starts to just stare at Alec, Alec looks at me as if he does not know what to do. "Talk to her." I say and stand up to go to the bathroom, after I do my business I walk in on Alec talking to Alice and playing with her toys making her giggle which sounded so adorable. He would be a great dad, Elijah too. Even though right now he or well his wolf is a dick. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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