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Elijah's P.O.V

       Elisabeth's wings spread out, she let out the most sexiest roar I have ever heard, it shook the ground, her eyes changed to a firey colour, she looked at us, and growled,she glided to Alec and I swaying her hips. 

       "You are mine." She growls, she grabs Alec by the neck of his top and pulled him in the kiss, my mouth went dry at how hot it was, when she pulled away living Alec shocked and turned the hell on. She then turned to me. "Both of you." She growled and pulled me close. "Mine." She then kissed me with the exact same passion. Then pulled away stepping back, she then shakes her head out of a trance. Her face just turns red and looks a little mortified. "I... I am sorry."She says looking down, I turn to see Arthur and Edmund, they looked shocked.Which to me makes me feel good, means that she hasn't done something like this before, just me and Alec. 

       "Oh my god." Arthur stood up, "Michelle? Nathalie?" He asks, our mate tilts her head and looks at him and smiles. "You mistake me from my ancestors. Name is Caialie, I have been sent to be with Jane, we are one. But she is not ready to except me yet, but soon." She says a smirk plays on her lips, with that her wings hide away and her eyes turn back to normal, light blue. A smile spread across Arthur's face.

      "Elisabeth do you know what just happened?!?!" He cried hugging her, she looked at him stunned. "You are stronger then we first thought!! I you are more than half angle, I have an idea what but I want to make sure. How you reacted,you had no control, like there's something in you that has been unlocked by your mates!!! It is as if you became a different person! Edmund and I betterleave!! We got some researching to do!!" He says and kisses Elisabeth's head."Edmund let's go!!!" He says running out of patients, he then turned me and my brother and shook our hands. It felt weird shaking hands with a vampire, we are meant to hate each other, but we can't hate the man that has saved and raised our mate. "We shall see you soon! Tell me if anything odd happens!! Watch her always!!" He says eagerly. Before we could really say goodbye they had vanished. I let out a sigh, a lot of new information.

       "Does this change things?" Our mate says, I can hear her heart start to really pickup, I could see she was preparing for the worst.

     "Yes."I say, I am not going to lie this is big stuff. Elisabeth looked like her heartwas slowly breaking, which made me grab her arms. "I don't mean it in a bad way, I mean yes it changes stuff, it makes you extra special and interesting.You are our mate and we a very greatfull to have just a sweet, kind mate." I said speaking both mine and Alec's words. We would not change anything about her, not for a second, well besides the horrid torture she endued. 

     "You are our Mate and we would not change that." Alec says, kissing her forehead."Elijah, Kyle says someone is calling us. And there's a few things to sign."Alec says all in Alpha mode, I node my head. "I will get..... Jarred to keep an eye on Elisabeth." I say trying to think of thebest person to look after her, Jarred is a good warrior, he is very loyal,strong, and won't make a move on our mate. His mother died recently and is looking after his sister who is still very young, not even a year old. 

            'Jarred can you come and look out for Elisabeth while Alec and I do some small work. You can place Alice in a sparebedroom in the house.' I mind link him, he quickly says a 'Yes Alpha!' 

           "Gee just keep acting while I am not here will ya." Our mate shakes us from our thoughts. She just stood in between us. 

            "Sorry it's just something has happened. We are getting someone to-" 

            "Babysit me?" Elisabeth her hand on her hip raising her eye brow. Alec looked at me then slowly backs up. "I am sorry have we met?" She says pointing at me and herself back and forth. "I am the one with the fire wings and learning all skills of fighting since I was six!!" She says, I can hear Alec chuckle, I sent him a glare as he slowly steps out the door. 

          "You heard what your father said, someone needs to look after you at all times, plus it won't be for long." I say, pointing out what her father said, which mate her sigh running her fingers through her hair. 

         "Fine.I am making pancakes." She says walking toward to the kitchen. 

          "Its 10:30." I pointed out.

          "I did sleep all day." She shot back, making me growl. I could see she was not too happy with me. As make my way to the office Jarred walks up. 

        "She's in the kitchen." I say, he just nods and walks away. 

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