• Suicide Worthy •

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(Y/n)=Your Name
(Y/u/n)=Your Username

Just to clear things up. =^•^=

Enjoy the chapter!

"Who was your first girlfriend?"

I called to my computer, putting on some skinny jeans.

He half laughed.

"Her name was Jessica... Started 2 years ago, ended a month ago..."

My eyes widened, as his tone went sadder.

"Cry... Why didn't you tell me?"

I would always tell him everything that's been going on with me. I always felt that I could trust him. But I know he is a very mysterious person, never giving out any info, unless you ask.

Makes me wonder how much stuff he hides from me.

"I didn't want you to worry or whatever..." His voice got all small and it made me melt.

"No secrets from now on, okay?"

That was a pointless request, considering everything about him is a secret.

Except for the important things, of course.

Sure I wonder what he looks like, where he lives... All that stuff...

But I know him. I know him better then anyone.

As far as I'm concerned, personality is everything. Looks don't matter in the slightest.

Hopefully he thinks the same way, otherwise when the great reveal does come around...

Let's just say I'm not that much of a "pretty face"...

"No secrets? But that just takes the fun out of it..."

I rolled my eyes and groaned so he knew I was annoyed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Uh, someone's at the door... Be right back..." I put the chat on mute and ran to the door.

"Hey, pretty face..." Alice leaned against the door frame, mocking Cry.

"Oh shut up!" She invited herself inside.

"I bet you're talking to him right now!"

She ran up my stairs and I quickly followed.

"Wait no no no no" I tried reaching for her but failed and she slipped past my door into my room.




"Yeah he's pretty cute..."

"Hey... Real talk... Do you still like him...?"

I thought about it for a second, then realized it was making her suspicious.

"Pfft, that was 10th grade!"

"And every grade below" she pointed out.

I hit her.

"I guess I kind of gave up. He has no interest in me... We are probably better as friends anyways..."

"Mhmm..." She smirked, standing up from my bed to examine my college application on my desk.

"So this is it aye?" She flicked the paper.

"Oh, yeah. That reminds me, I gotta mail it. And you gotta go."

"Whhaaattt?" She seemed overly disappointed.

I pointed to my computer.

"You know how important this day was to me..."

She stood there, arms crossed, giving me a death glare, until finally.

"Ugh, finneee..." She sighed and I lead her down the stairs.

"See ya at work lover girl." She got in her car and drove off.

I continued to my mailbox, slipping in the envelope.

I took a deep breath of the fresh air and went back inside.

"So I just mailed my application-"

"I know, I heard the whole conversation. You muted me, not yourself...." He chuckled to himself.

I felt myself shatter into a million pieces.

"O-oh really... That's awkward..." My eye twitched.

"So, um, follow up question, you totally have the hots for me?"

I wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep forever until the universe reset so I could fix how this played out.

"HAD." I coughed.

"Whatever. You love me."

"LoveD" I coughed again.

"Oh my god... That's so cuteee!"


"And what do you mean I have no interest in you?"

"Sorry, excuse me while I execute myself."

"I'm interested in you." He shyly laughed.

At this point, I could not speak, so I typed.


I literally covered my eyes out of pure horror.

"No... I'm really interested in you. You're so fascinating and funny and nice and that's how I know you are the most gorgeous person ever. Because even if I meet you and you are somehow uglier than me, I won't even care, because I will see you as the girl I knew since I was 8 that always could make me smile and was never dull. I would see you for who you are, not for your looks and you are, your personality is just... Beautiful."

I think my jaw hit the floor, and I was for the first time ever, literally speechless.

He laughed a bit, because he knew he just blew me away.

"Sorry..." I heard him reposition himself.

"I-I... You literally never have to apologize for anything ever again..."

He laughed and cleared his throat.

"(Y/u/n)... What are your thoughts on long distance relationships?"

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