• Family •

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Chills were sent through my body as I walked up the steps once more.

This is so dumb.

But I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't try.

She wouldn't forgive me.

I took a deep breathe, something that's been necessary very often, recently.

I pressed my finger into the button, not phased by the harsh buzzing.

I stood up straight and cleared my throat, looking as mature as possible.

That same lengthy woman... What was her name...?

Whatever. She peeked her head through the door.

"You need to leave."

"I need to talk to her." My voice boomed back without hesitation, using the same stern tone she had.

She cocked her head, and raised her eyebrows. She seemed surprised, and maybe even impressed by my persistence.

She opened the door more, allowing herself to step outside.

"Listen, I don't have anything against you. I'm new here to be honest. I just found out that day that Aya had already been adopted."

"Aya doesn't want to go with them. She has a choice, doesn't she?"

"Well... Yes... Bu-"

"I get it. I can't be trusted. I see where you're coming from. But I'm not going to let her be unhappy."

"A home is what she needs-"

"What she needs, is a family. A real family..." I was getting angry now.

"... Not some people who are her 'legal guardian'. That girl's family is dead... So her family is who she chooses..."

I leaned against the railing.

"Family isn't by blood. It's who's there for you when you want to run away."

There was a sharp silence.

"This is my family, now."

The small voice made me and the woman's head shoot back.

There stood Aya, hand in hand with one orphan, the others hiding behind her.

A tear rolled down the woman's face.

The woman took a few steps towards her, and Aya wrapped her in a hug.

The other orphans all gathered around, hugging the tall woman.

I took a few steps back, overwhelmed at what was taking place.

I did this? Whoa. Maybe I'm not completely useless.

Aya was able to escape the grasps, and came up to me.

"I wish you could be part of our family, but you already have one."

Mike popped into my head.

"Not to be dramatic, but I have an evil step dad-"

"I'm not talking about blood. I'm talking about who's there when you run. I can tell that someone cares about you." A smile grew on her face as she threw my words back at me.

I thought about Cry, and practically broke down in front of this little girl.

I knelt down to squeeze her tight, and I felt myself smiling.

"I have a feeling we won't see each other for awhile, but you'll be part of my family. I promise." I looked between her big eyes.

She nodded and got teary eyed herself.

I lightly kissed her forehead and stood up. I gave a light hearted wave to the woman, and she nodded as a thank you, as a bunch of happy children jumped around her.

I walked down the steps and mounted my bike.

As I sped down the street, I thought about how much I just learned. The morals. The meaning of family. Who my family was.

But overall, I thought about Cry.

Perhaps it's time for a family reunion.


This was a lil quickie but I kinda love it ;w;

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

-Vic <3

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