The Coffee

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Martijn's POV

I wanted coffee.

I had been up all night trying to get at least half a track done but I had nothing. And I couldn't sleep now.

As I walked to the cafe where I got coffee I suddenly had an idea, but it needed a vocal. Opening my phone notes I scrawled down the words

Little bird don't fly away
Pack up and leave me here today
Please just stay another night
I promise I can ease the fright
Little bird fly home to me

In my head I knew exactly the voice I wanted to sing this but I wouldn't even know the girl if she walked right past me. It would never work with anyone else. Slightly annoyed I clicked my phone shut.

"Hi can I have a caramel cappuccino please," I asked, momentarily embracing my inner white girl.

"That's £2:58 and could you wait over there please," the middle aged woman at the till gestured to a smaller table. I made my way over there.

"Hi can I have a small vanilla latte please," asked a girl who was behind me. She wasn't Dutch, she had an English accent. Taking a closer look I saw that she was quite pretty, with Autumnal red hair and eyes so dark they were almost black. She was pretty, really pretty with nice curves and a good sense of clothes.

"Could you wait over there while we prepare your order please," asked the till woman and the girl came and stood next to me. She seemed nervous, looking around the room and fiddling with her hands.

"Hi," I said. She looked around to check I was talking to her and then blushed.

"Hi," she said. I was kinda shocked that she didn't recognise me but I guess she didn't really listen to much dance music.

"My name is Martijn nice to meet you," I held out my hand and she tentatively shook it. Her hands were cold and soft and her nails were crimson.

"Sarah," she said uncertainly.

"Nice to meet you," I said, feeling myself smile. She smiled back, making her whole face light up.

"Here's your orders. That's £2:58 for the caramel cappuccino and £2:30 for the latte," said the shop woman. Sarah started rummaging around for her purse and while she was doing so I paid for both drinks.

She tried to pay me back, telling me that I didn't have to do that but I wanted to. She was pretty and seemed nice albeit awkward and she followed me to a table so we could drink.

"Tell me, why move out of England to Amsterdam?" I asked her. She shrugged and said that she was seeking adventure, wanting something that suburban England couldn't give her. The more we spoke the more I learned about her. She was an only child, her mum had died when she was little and she had been brought up by her dad. She worked as a typist but she didn't like it because it was all in Dutch and she didn't know what it was. She's lived here for 3 months, down the road from here.

"Now tell me about you," she said, leaning over her coffee to listen closer. I can't tell her I'm a famous DJ when she seems like the most down to earth person I've met in a long time.

So I lied.

Sarah's POV

"My name is Martijn Garritsen, I moved out of my parents house a few months ago to live in more central Amsterdam," he said. He was very good looking, with bluey grey eyes and toned muscles under his black t-shirt. I never realised how much I liked the Dutch accent until I head it come from his mouth and when he looked at me I felt all weird and tingly inside, like when you have a stupid crush when you're 12. I hadn't felt like this in the long run up to moving and the 3 months I'd been here.

"What do you work as?" I asked. He paused.

"Well I sort of work with computers," he said.

"Sounds interesting," I lied. I don't have a clue about computers. He laughed, making his blue eyes crinkle adorably.

"Yeah it can be," he said.

"Well what do you do in your spare time?" I asked.

"What spare time," he muttered.

"Well what were you doing before you got here?" I asked.

"Sleeping," he said.

"That's a hobby," I said. We spoke more of sleep and dreams, he was into music and I was into music so we spoke about that. Different types of music, his was more house and mine was more acoustic. I didn't tell him about my song, because it was just mine. It just didn't feel like something he needed to know about so soon. Or at all.

"You're pretty. I thought you should know that. I think people who are pretty should know that they are. And plus I have to go now. So can I have your number?" He asked. I was kind of blown away by that and it took me a second to respond.

"Oh yeah of course. Put your number in here and I'll text you," I said, giving him my phone. He typed his number in and I saved it.

"I'll see you soon," he said and walked out. I pondered for a moment on what to text him. Was 'hi it's Sarah' too plain? Was 'hey guess who?' a bit weird?

Definitely don't send 'hey sexual marmite its Sarah ;)'

In then end I just sent 'hey it's Sarah it was nice to meet you today x'

After I walked home I got a text back saying 'nice to meet you too hope it's not the last time x'

Authors Note

I don't really like this chapter but I have the next couple drafted in my head so this is more of a filler.

And they met now.

Here's a complimentary jackfruit


Adios Munchkins

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