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Sarah was still asleep when I was woken up, she curled up like a cat on her end of the bed. It was my phone ringing that woke me, so I rolled over to reach it from the charging point. My sister was trying to facetime me.

"Laura! Long time no see," I said, smiling sleepily at her through the camera, I spoke dutch since she didn't understand English as well.

"You massive arsehole! How is it that your whole family hears about your girlfriend through a magazine and not through you yourself! You need to tell me everything!" she said, way too overexcited for this time in the morning. I laughed.

"Calm down its way too early for this, plus she's sleeping," I said. Laura winked at me.

"Stayed the night I see. That's a bit raucous," she joked. I rolled my eyes.

"We've been going out for 11 months sis. She's stayed the night before she practically lives here," I said.

"That's so cute. Guess where I am?" she asked. I tried to look in the background of her screen but she was holding the phone too close to her face.

"Where are you?" I asked. She zoomed out and I could see she had a seatbelt on. She flipped cameras and I could see Mum and Dad in the front of the car.

"We are coming to see you! Surprise! We are about an hour away!" she yelled. My mum and dad smiled at each other. My eyes widened.

"I have to go, see you then," I hurriedly hung up and got out of bed.

An hour! Fuck!

I shook Sarah until she woke up, she smiled at me sleepily but then her face changed when she saw me properly.

"Whats happened? Are you okay?" she said.

"My um... my parents are coming over. Like in an hour," I said. She sat upright.


"My sister called me to surprise me. They're in the car. They read about us in a magazine and now they are coming. Plus they already know you're here so you have to stay," I said. She ran her hand through her hair.

"Right okay. Let's do this systematically. You go and tidy the living room, I'll clean the kitchen. Then we can shower and check everything else okay?" She got out of bed and went to the kitchen. I followed her to get a bin bag for the take out cartons we used last night.

"It's quite hot how in control you are right now," I smirked at her. She hit me with a tea towel.

"Living room?" she smiled back. I threw out the Chinese wrappers and the beer bottles, put the sofa cushions back nicely and sprayed some air freshener just for fun. I went back to the kitchen to get some spray for the coffee table and Sarah had already cleared sprayed and wiped the surfaces, and swept the floor.

"You're a wizard," I said. She grinned at me.

"I'm gonna shower and make the best with what clothes I have here. You shower once you've done the living room," she said, leaving the room.



"Martijn that was a definite knock on the door and you are still topless please hurry up," I ran into the bedroom to see him just pulling a t shirt on.

"No wear the button up," I said. He stuck his tongue out at me and took his shirt off to change it.

"Sarah stop staring at me and answer the door," he said, doing up the buttons. I did up his last button and kissed him quickly.

"Are they going to like me?" I asked him as he held my hand walking to the door.

"Yes they will love you. Who wouldn't?" he replied. I took a deep breath and he opened the door. I didn't even get to say hello before I was attacked by a load of brown hair.

"Hello. My name is Laura, my English is not that good but we will be, how you say, best friends?" she said, smiling wide at me.

"Yes we will. Hi I'm Sarah," I smiled back at her. I then looked over at Martijn to see him smiling and hugging his Dad, his mum was smiling wide at him, it was so cute. His mum smiled at me.

"She speaks no English. My dad speaks it very well though. He will speak to you," Laura explained. His mum touched my hand and smiled at me. She then spoke dutch to Laura.

"She says you're very pretty, and Martijn looks very smart," she said. I smiled at her.

"Your son is very lovely," I said to her. Laura translated and she smiled at me again.

"Dad meet Sarah," Martijn closed the door behind his father and put his arm around my waist. His father shook my hand.

"It's very nice to meet you. My wife was right you are very pretty. Now, let's go inside and sit down. Martijn hasn't had a girlfriend in a long time. I miss embarrassing him," he had a glint in his eye, Martijn rolled his eyes.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked.

"Tea would be lovely," he replied. I went to make drinks whilst Martijn took them into the living room.

I came in with 3 cups of tea and saw his family surrounding him, and how happy he was. It warmed my heart.

"Thanks Sarah," said Laura. His mum smiled when I gave her the cup.

"So Sarah, tell us about yourself. Do you see your parents often?" his dad asked me.

"Well my Dad lives in England so I speak to him when I can but it's hard. We keep trying to make plans to meet up though," I said.

"What about your mum?" asked Laura.

"My mum actually died when I was 3," I said. Martijn squeezed my hand.

"I'm very sorry to hear that," said Martijns Dad. Laura was translating to her Mum who said something frantic.

"Mum says if you're ever looking for a girly influence there's always her. There's no problem google translate can't fix," Laura smiles.

"Thank you." I said. His family were so nice, I was now understanding how Martijn had turned out so perfect.



seriously though i'm sorry for taking so long.

S x

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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