A Month

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Hello my lovely and hopefully forgiving readers...

I am slowly continuing this story. It has a plot and I know what I want to do with it. Be patient with me lovelies.

I'm sorry  xxxxxx


Another meeting. The song had gone to number 1 in England and number 1 in Holland. The buzz and the happiness and the rush that came with that were fading fast as this meeting dragged on.

"We need to get this played. Summer is the main season for Ibiza which is the obvious choice but London, New York, Vegas, Dubai, all these places are needed if we want the song and more importantly you guys to stay big. Being a couple got the song noticed but to sustain that you need to start making appearances," said Jonathon.

"Appearances?" I asked.

"Martin has been all over the world playing his music, but not often with the actual singers who featured on the songs. To take you with him would add a massive edge, plus the fans mostly love you guys," he said.

"You want me to sing. In public. At shows," I said.

"Well you could always do a Britney and lip sync, but we thought you would have preferred to actually sing," said Pedro.

"Of course you'd have to lose some weight first, if we're gonna have you on stage it can't be with those thighs," said Jonathon. Pedro nodded.

"Mmm yes and plus how are you gonna dress? Martin normally has girls not wearing much but I can already tell you're uncomfortable with that. Maybe just half the numbers of stage girls? Dress Daisy in her normal clothes?" he said. Martijn interrupted.

"Guys. We only just moved in together. Can't we just enjoy that for a while and discuss the rest later?" Pedro shook his head.

"The sooner we start the sooner you can get home and make more music. I didn't know you guys had moved in together can we organise a shoot for that?" he asked.

"No! I don't want cameras in our house. Leave us alone for a while," Martijn said firmly. Pedro made a face at Jonathon and they both left. I was sat in a state of shock.

"I'm so sorry," he said.

"I'm gonna have to sing at shows," I mundanely repeated. He took both my hands in his.

"Only if you want to," he said earnestly.

"In front of how many people?" I asked.

"Honestly? Over 10,000," he said. I took a deep breath.

"Right okay," I said. He had so much pain in his eyes when they met mine.

"It's only if you want to. I'm gonna have a cigarette quickly. Come with me?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah I need air anyway," I said. We stood outside the big glass building, Martijn lit a cigarette and angrily blew the smoke into the air above us.

"It's all bullshit," he said. I nodded.

"I know babe. But we can't pretend that they aren't right. As annoying as it is they do know what they are talking about," I said. His face furrowed in angry thought.

"I don't want you to feel pressured. But if you want the honest truth we do need to perform this together. But not right away. If we ask them for a month, a month to get everything ready then we can leave then, but only if you want to," he said, looking at me assuredly.

"A month," I said.

"A month out of the public eye, just us and Luke in our flat and together," he said. I took a breath and looked directly into his eyes. The oceans and moons that lay beneath the surface of his skin reassured me. I pulled him close to me and he hugged me, holding my waist and enveloping me in himself.

"I love you. And I can do this," I said, breathing in his scent of cigarette smoke and aftershave.

"You can. Let's go in and tell them what we have to say," he said. I held his hand and we went in together. Jonathon and Pedro were sat at the table.

"So?" they asked impatiently.

"A month out of the public eye and then we'll tour," said Martijn. Pedro rolled his eyes.

"We shall allow it. A month. I'll get you gigs in London to start with. Your arrivals will be announced soon. And I'll get the magazines off your backs for now. Go home and rest your voice," he said to me. Martijn squeezed my hand.

"See you in one month," I said. As we walked out I felt that had been a success.

"We are free for a month. A whole month where our dates are just for us," I said smiling. He grinned at me.

"And a whole month where if we wanna stay in bed all day we are totally allowed to," he said. On the way home we made lists of all the things we were going to do, the take outs we were going to order in, the friends we were going to see and the pricks we were happy to not see.

"As soon as we get home we can watch that Planet Earth 2 box set," I said.

"Got to love David Attenborough," he smiled at me.

"Luke can see the big cats," I said. I thought of my cat with love, I hadn't been able to see him properly in ages.

"I'm so excited for all the time we get to spend with Luke," said Martijn.

"I was just thinking that. We can become the amazing cat parents we always knew we could be," I said.

"Yes we will have to spoil him all month as I'm not sure what to do with him when we go," said Martijn.

"We have a month to worry about all that," I said. He kissed me quickly.

"I'm so happy to spend that time with you," he said. I nodded, knowing that this month would be as close as we could be to normal for a while.

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