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I'm stealing the idea from 'in the name of love' with the whole red dress thing and the manor house but it's slightly different. Sorry for being shit, I'm gonna publish more and hopefully finish this.


Shooting a music video is always a fun yet long long day. The artists had come up with a really interesting concept in this huge manor house with a big outdoor pool. The idea was to put Sarah in this red dress at a masquerade ball as this mysterious character that I have to follow around the house and through this maze where the pool is the centre and she takes off the mask and we fall into the pool through a trap door and kiss underwater. All very cool and artsy however she had told me of doubts when we woke up that morning.

"How am I meant to pull off mysterious and seductive when I literally look like a red cabbage?" she asked, rolling over onto her stomach and peering up at me with her dark eyes. I laughed.

"You don't look like a red cabbage. They'll do some good make up and everything not that you'll need it but trust me. They want you to be pretty yet relatable, but they'll make you feel like a mysterious and seductive queen. It's gonna be hard work though, be prepared to feel slightly exploited." i joked. She laughed.

"Sex sells and all that. What time did they want us?" I checked my phone.

"About an hour," I said. She kissed my lips quickly.

"I'm gonna shower," she said. It dawned on me again how unbelievably perfect she is.

"Okay. I love you," I said.

"Love you too," she said, smiling.


Arriving at the manor house Sarah was very quickly whisked away from me and put into hair and makeup. I knew that there was a while where the video was just me and so after being put in a rather posh suit I shot some scenes with the extras, arriving at the ball, dancing with a girl in a pink dress etc.

She was due to arrive through the staged door at any moment. I took the glass full of mock champagne and pretended to sip at it. The dancers swirled around me in a maze of colours, then they parted like the red sea, and stood at the top of the spiralling staircase was Sarah.

The red dress clung to her every perfect curve and showed off her perfect legs and red heels. She held a mask on a stick over her eyes, and the rest of her face was made up to be chiselled and defined, which only bought out the natural beauty in her. Her dark hair was pulled up high and curly stands fell around her face. I could feel from within me the inspiration she had made, and how blessed I was to love her.

The directors had told me to act spellbound when she came into the room but this wasn't acting. She took my breath away.

She walked down the path between the dancers and held eye contact with me before approaching me and touching my arm with a red gloved hand. The director yelled cut.

"PERFECT! Martijn I've seen actors with worse reactions than that. You're incredible. Sarah you're gorgeous. Go outside to the maze please, and take 5," he says, eyes aglow with passion for this art. I took the hand of my own art and led her outside.

"It's hot in there isn't it," she said, her red lips smiling slightly.

"Not as hot as you look right now. You are stunning," I said. She blushed.

"I look alright. Red always suited me," she said bashfully. She took a sip from her bottle of water and stained the top dark red.

"Honestly. How are you finding it?" I asked.

"Not too bad. They had to like pan the camera a bit at the start because they said they have to 'emphasise my body' but after that it was okay," she said.

"Sorry. It could be worse, their original idea was some sort of drug dealing club which involved twerking so in a way we got lucky," I said. She smiled.

"I feel lucky. I get to keep the dress although I don't know what I'd ever do with it," she said. I could think of a few things.

"You guys ready? Sarah you are leading him to the pool which we will make it look like is in the middle of the maze. Make sure your eyes are on show," says the director. She leaves her water bottle on the wall and we follow him in.

"Okay action!" he yells. She walks on ahead of me, every now and then turning around to check if I'm still there. Her dark eyes were outlined and smudged sexily and I realised I would've followed her anywhere.

We went around corners, me attempting to look bemused when really I just wanted to shout to the world that this girl was mine.

When we reached a certain point they let us break while we found the pool.

"Seems a shame to get this dress all wet," she said.

"I'm sure you can clean it. If we're staying at mine tonight do you want to bring Luke? He's been home alone a lot recently," I said. She smiled.

"Yeah sure we can bring Luke. He could do with a retreat," she said. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Why don't you bring the rest of your stuff as well?" I asked. She looked up at me.

"What like move in?" she asked.

"Only if you want to," I said. She smiled and kissed me quickly.

"Yes I'd love to," she said.

"You two ready?" asked the director. I nodded. "So you jump in and kiss under the water, special effects can handle the rest." Sarah smiled.

"ACTION!" he yelled. Sarah slowly removed the mask from her face and lay in on the wall beside her. Then I took her hand and we jumped into the water. The coldness took my breath away, but I felt her gloved hand against my cheek and then found her lips in the chaos. We kissed until well after the director called cut, we kissed until we couldn't hold our breath anymore and then surfaced smiling.

"That's a wrap folks!"

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