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Martijns POV

I gave up my mild avoidance tactic when she texted me at 3am telling me she couldn't sleep and wanted to go on an adventure. I couldn't drive and neither could she but we could walk. I wasn't asleep anyway so I got up and walked to her house.

She was sat on her doorstep in a pair of ripped white jeans and a black hoodie that was way too big to be hers.

"Hi," I said, smiling at her. She smiled back.

"Hey. Sorry I look a mess but I missed my England friend so I put his hoodie on and it was so comfy. And warm," she explained awkwardly. I laughed.

"You look fine. As long as it's not your secret boyfriend or anything," I joked. She smiled again.

"I have a place we can go," I said. She gave me her hand and I pulled her off the step and held her hand. Her hand was cold.

"How log were you on that step for?" I asked.

"A while before I texted you. I wanted to see the stars," she said.

"I like stars," I said, realising that I sounded really stupid.

"Me too," she giggled. I led her along this river into the playground I used to go to when my parents were staying in the city. I opened the colourful gate and she went in.

Sarah's POV

"So this is your secret hideout?" I asked. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Only at night. In the day it tends to be full of children," he sat on the swing and I sat next to him.

"I'll race you to get the highest," I challenged. He gave me a look.

"It's on," he said, kicking the swing up. I caught up, swinging my legs quickly. Soon we were both as high as each other, as high as the swings could be.

"Watch this," he said and as the swing got to the highest point he jumped off. I thought he was gonna get hurt so I hurried to slow my swing down but he was perfectly fine, having landed on his feet.

"I thought you were gonna get hurt," I said. He laughed.

"You jump. You're not even going that high anymore so you won't get hurt," he coaxed.

"Okay," I said, and let go of the metal swing handles. There was that brief second of being in the air before I was back on the ground, but not being as graceful as Martijn I tripped on landing and crashed into him.

"Shit I'm sorry," I said, as he laughed.

"You need to work on your landing," he said. I nodded.

"But now I think we should go on the slide," I announced. The slide here was really cool, a spirally one like a helter skelter. I ran up the stairs.

"I'm just gonna note that today at 3:45am on 23rd October we have made history," I said.

"How?" He smiled.

"We are breaking the world record for fastest slide at this time on this day in the world. And this is our mark," I rummaged around in my hoody pocket and found a blue biro. I scratched my initials and Martijns onto the wooden poles holding up the slide and the date. Martijn looked at me curiously.

"I've never met anyone like you. You're the most interesting person I've ever known," he said. He took the pen and scratched a heart around our initials.

"So I think I should be honest with you. I lied about my job. I'm actually a DJ, quite a well known one under the stage name of Martin Garrix," he took a deep breath.

"I knew you were too rich to 'work with computers'. Can you show me a track?" I asked. He looked relieved. I opened YouTube and typed in Martin Garrix.

"This one," he said, pointing to Virus. It started playing. I wasn't normally into the dance scene of music but knowing that someone had actually thought this up and had the talent to turn it into something I could hear, that was amazing.

"You're very talented. Like seriously," I said. He smiled at his shoe.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry I lied. I'm just not used to like positive reactions. Most girls either only want me for the money or like don't me anymore. I get scared to talk to girls now. But I haven't liked a girl as much as I like you for ages. So are we okay?" He sounded nervous. I kissed his cheek.

"You may not have noticed but I'm not most girls," I said. Then he kissed me.

This was different to our first kiss, but I don't think I'd ever get used to feeling his lips on mine, the butterflies in my stomach and the tingle in my chest. It just felt so perfect. He pulled away and I smiled before moving to the edge of the slide.

"I don't know about you but I'm planning on making history," I said before pulling myself down the slide, whizzing round the spirals and shooting out the bottom.

"I'm coming down," he said. He came down fast but I was faster.

"I was way faster. You were so slow it was like a slug," I teased. He laughed.

"What so you're faster than me now?" He smirked.

"Maybe I am," I said.

"Oh yeah?" He said.

"Well catch me if you can," I said, running away from him. He started chasing me, and I laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. I knew he was faster then me and he caught me by grabbing my arm and pulling me into him.

"Got you," he whispered before kissing me again. I kissed him back, wrapping my hands around his neck while he kept hold of my arms. I felt so happy in this moment, until he pulled away and yawned.

"Maybe we should get home now," he said.

"What even is the time anyway?" I asked.

"Like 5," he said.

"Shit. We should go," I said. He took my hand and we walked home through the moonlight.


It's been ages and I'm sorry.

Here's an apple.


Adios munchkins x

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