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Martijns POV

This was a bad day for me.

I just couldn't get anything right, from failing with a track to dropping my favourite mug and breaking it, spilling cereal all over the floor, burning lunch, it was just one of those days. Unfortunately my phone was still working as management had been on my case all week. I had finally managed to release a preview to a song but I hadn't told anyone that those 16 seconds were all I had. Sarah had been busy with work so I hadn't been able to see her properly since the night in the playground. This wasn't good as she was my only reason at the moment.

I got worked up on days like these, it made my brain not work. I wanted to go out yet the idea of going out made me want to curl up in bed. I couldn't sleep or eat properly. I couldn't do anything. I paced up and down and waited for something to happen.

The thing that happened was a knock at my door. I opened it and Sarah was stood there.

"I guessed you were having a bad day. I have food?" She said. I smiled.

"You're the best," I said, standing aside so she could come in. She emptied her bag onto my coffee table producing chocolate, cookies, jelly sweets and strawberries.

"Strawberries?" I asked.

"So I feel healthy. These are all my comfort foods so I thought we could share them," she shrugged.

"Why do you need comfort food?" I asked, sitting down.

"Because I'm a bit down today. It's okay though, it comes and goes," she shrugged again.

"You shrug a lot," I commented.

"Nervous habit," she said. She bit into a strawberry and looked at me.

"What's got you so down?" She asked.

"The music industry as an establishment," I said.

"Elaborate," she said.

"I'm really struggling to make music at the moment, and my management keep calling me and nagging me and it's not like they even care about me they just don't think I'm pulling in enough money at the moment. It's not my fault anyway, I only have the one track and I can't use it anyway," I got so lost in the rant that I forgot that I wasn't supposed to mention the track.

"Why can't you use the track?" She asked.

"Because there's only one person who could do the vocal but she's not even a singer," I said.

"Who is it?"

"That doesn't matter. How was work?" I rapidly changed the subject. It seemed to work.

"Not great. I'm starting to feel the effect of not speaking Dutch in a dutch speaking community. They're always talking and laughing and I can't make friends with them. I don't know, I guess I'm just feeling alone," she looked a bit down, it broke my heart.

"You're not alone, you're with me," I said. She gave me a sad smile.

"That makes me feel better," she said. I smiled.

"Good," I said.

"So Martin Garrix?" She said, raising an eyebrow. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

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