The Awkwardly Written Chapter

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Sarah's POV

For me, lunch couldn't come fast enough. My day was so boring I wanted to scream. I walked into the cafe that Dillon had suggested and saw him sat there, Martijn by his side. He smiled his adorable smile when he saw me.

"Hey guys," I said, sitting opposite Martijn.

"Hey how was your day?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"Boring. I had nothing to do," I said.

"What do you do?" Asked Dillon.

"I type Dutch into a computer and hope for the best," I said.

"Sounds great," he emphasised the sarcasm.

"Exactly," I rolled my eyes.

We then ate and made small talk, Martijn and me giving each other subtle looks. His body language was more suggestive than usual, but I guess I could get used to that.

Dillon seemed oblivious to the secret conversation.

"I can't believe I'm going home tomorrow," he sighed. I took my eyes off of Martijn for a few seconds.

"Yeah I feel like you've only been here like a day," I said.

"Yeah but I have shows to do you know, places to be," he said. I mock sighed.

"God being a world famous DJ must be so hard. Imagine actually having a real job. That seems so easy," I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"Yeah well." He checked the time on his phone. "I gotta get back to the hotel and pack."

"Well it was really nice to meet you," I said, getting up and hugging him. He hugged me awkwardly, as if checking with Martijn if it was okay.

He looked at me with a new kind of desire, one I could feel in the tips of my fingers and the depth of my stomach. I gave him a look.

"I'm just gonna go to the loo," I said. Martijn saw Dillon out and then followed. He caught up with me in the small hallway between boys and girls bathrooms.

"Do you know what you're doing to me?" He asked with a smile tugging at his lips.

"Not a clue," I said innocently. His face was so close to mine our noses were almost touching. He put his face close to my ear.

"You know I could make you feel so good," he whispered making shivers run down my spine. He took advantage of how distracted I was and grabbed my wrists, pinning them to the wall. He then kissed me.

He kissed me hard, keeping my hands on the wall at first but as we melted into the kiss he put his hands on my waist, leaving me to tangle my hands in his hair. He dug his nails slightly into the skin of my hips, making me gasp. He used that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

I slipped my hands under his black t -shirt, he hissed as my hands were cold. I lightly grazed my fingernails down his smooth chest, causing the grip on my hips to tighten. I broke off the kiss needing to breathe, his lips were slightly swollen and I wondered if I looked the same.

"I think I might ditch work," I said, still short of breath.

"I think that's a great idea," he said. He took my hand and we ran.


Back at his house we kissed everywhere, in the lift, in the hallway, the second the door was open. It was as if we were magnets. He tasted of mint with underlying cigarette smoke, a taste I had grown to love.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you to do something you might regret," he asked, panting slightly.

"I'm sure," I said, reconnecting our lips again.

He opened the door to his bedroom and we almost fell in on top of each other. Having regained balance I slipped my hands under his top, this time to take it off. He then did the same to me.

As our skin connected for the first time I felt a new kind of frenzy, and I pulled lightly on his back, begging for more contact and bringing him closer to me. We lay on the bed and he hovered above me, I take the opportunity to drink in every inch of him, his honey coloured skin and toned stomach.

Before long we were both totally rid of anything except each other, the heat from our sweaty bodies making the room feel warm. Every touch every movement every kiss was electrifying. And then in a cry of rapid fire Dutch it was over.

We just lay there for a while afterwards, naked under the covers and we spoke for hours about everything, about my mothers death and my childhood, about the people and the places he had seen on his travels. About all the Disney movies and all the stories and about fairy tales. About magic that we used to believe in and magic that is laced into our world, intertwined with everything we do. We laughed and we were serious and then we laughed again. I checked the time.

"I really should go, Luke's been shut up all day," I said.

"But I want you to stay," he said.

"I want me to stay. But I have a cat you know."

"So no more Netflix and chill?"

"More like cat food and responsibility." He laughed.

"I'll walk you back," he said, and we dressed in a reluctant silence.

"That was really great you know," I said as we walked back.

"I know. We're gonna have to do that again some time," he agreed.

"Yeah. Anyway, here's my street," I sighed. We walked as slow as we could.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I said, kissing him quickly. I felt him smile against my lips, I love that feeling.

"Well I mean if I knew you were gonna be hooking up I would have gone for dinner somewhere first." A familiarly sarcastic voice broke off my comfortable silence. I turned around.

"Well surprise," said Nate. I was delighted at the sight of my best friend.

"Nate!" I yelled, unwrapping my arms from Martijns waist and throwing myself at my best friend.

"I've missed you," he said, enveloping me in a bear hug. I breathed in his homely and familiar scent and almost felt like crying with joy.

"Hi," I said. Martijn awkwardly coughed.

"Oh! Martijn this is Nate, my best friend from England. Nate, this is Martijn," I introduced them with the biggest smile. All my favourite people were here.

"Hi it's nice to meet you," Martijn smiled politely. He shook hands with them both.

"I'm afraid I have to get home. Enjoy your stay in Amsterdam," he grinned at me and then turned and left. I opened the door.

"Well," I said. "Welcome home."


Sorry it's taken ages to get this up and I don't know if that technically counts as smut but hey it was fun and awkward to write so that's something.

Au revoir

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