Phone call at 3am?

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Shadows Prov,

I have been letting Ray stay here for the last couple of days till his wounds healed, I never thought Ray out of all of Scourge's friends would of betrayed him for something he did to me. But none the less I was grateful that Ray had actually stood up to Scourge but I felt bad for him since he got beaten really bad, it reminded me on how Scourge would do hit me or leave bruises on me even though now that he's gone, my life's a lot more better than it was with Scourge.

I was asleep up stars with Sonic in his bed when I suddenly woke up, I didn't wake up from feeling sick, I didn't wake up cause I was hungry or having a nightmare, I just randomly woke up. Even though I was tired something was telling me to go down stairs, I didn't want to but I silently crepted out of bed and walked down stairs quietly with my hand on my belly, I could hear Ray on the phone in the living room. Who would make a phone call at 3am?

I was silent and went to the wall so I could hear what was going on, Ray was whispering so it was hard to hear but I did hear him say something about scourge and jumping him or something so I ignored it and went into the kitchen to get a drink at least before I go to bed. Ray isn't.... lieing about him and scourge not being friends, is he? With a sigh I just go back upstairs with my cup of water and go to bed again, I just couldn't think of who Ray would be calling at 3am other than Scourge... I have to ask him in the morning who it was. If he was talking to Scourge I have to make him leave, I can not hand Scourge, we might even have to move if so! Ray could tell Scourge to be his friend again, or they are all ready friends! That's it, I'm telling Sonic bright and early that we have to pack our stuff, I'll just call my brother in law and ask if we can come down their and stay with him till we find a house down in Seleana... I mean we wouldn't live in Mobius any more meaning we would be far away from Scourge!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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