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There she was right in front of me. Her scales gleaming in the sun like jewels. Ephvangeline, the little girl with blond hair was there too. They didn't know I was there. Purple Eyes was smiling. For a dragon she has a beautiful smile. In my eyes she is more beautiful than a rainbow dragon. Purple Eyes took a deep breath in and her smile disappeared. She turned her head toward me. The little blonde girl noticed that Purple Eyes had stopped smiling and looked at me as well. No! Don't run! I stood up and stepped out of the forest.



He stepped out of the forest. "Don't you remember this place Purple Eyes," he said "it was where you hatched."

Purple Eyes bared her teeth. "Stay away from her," I yelled "she hates you!"


She hates you! Those word swirled around and around my head. My own dragon hates me! I am the worst dragon rider if I don't fix this. "Please Ephvangeline let me make this right with my dragon?" I plead.


Don't let him take me he treated me so badly before.  She was trembling in fear. "I can't let you since you treated her so badly last time," I told him.

"Purple Eyes I'm sorry!" he yelled.

Apology not accepted Ephvangeline we need to get out of here. "Can you fly?" I whispered. No I am too tired but I can still run. I nodded.

"She does not accept your apology," I said "Run!" We turned and ran out of the clearing. Arthur was not following but we had to make sure he was well away before we stopped.


They ran. I could follow them but that would make things worse. Then again she is my dragon, I should be the one running with her from enemies not some blond girl. I watched her hatch. I saw when she first started to fly. I named her...

People think I named her because of her eyes but that was not the case. I named her after a legendary purple dragon. That dragon took on the pink and good dragons with it's rider and another person. It also took on one of the 9 monsters. It also befriended a unicorn. I had heard the legend from the forest dragon who gave me the egg but the thing is none of the other dragon riders had heard of the legend. That forest dragon may have been lying but I think the name does suit Purple Eyes. She is a hero and we will be heroes together. I will not give up!

I ran after them, hope in my heart.


I didn't know where we were going but I followed. Purple Eyes seemed to know where she was going. This must have been where she had lived. We were in some kind of a city. There were large buildings and they were all purple. There were people and dragons walking around the streets. The dragons were so big the made Purple Eyes look like an ant. We darted across the city. I would have loved to look around and admire the dragons but Purple Eyes kept moving and if I didn't too I would loose her in the sea of Purple.

Purple EyesWhere stories live. Discover now