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Sighing, I unload the last book from my boxes and place it on one of my several jampacked bookcases.

"Finally" I mutter, glad to have got some work done. My room isn't completely finished, but I only say that because my walls aren't completely covered in paper, posters, and other stuff. I kinda have this thing where I get a little sad when I see bare walls. It's really weird and makes absolutely no sense, but I just can't help it.

Looking at the clock, I see that it's five fifty-two am, meaning that it's almost time for my morning run. I change into running shorts and a loose fitting tank top, grab my sneakers, and run down the hall to my mom's room to check up on her, finding her still asleep. My mom looks so peaceful as she sleeps, no sign of the pain she feels reflected on her face. See, my mom has lung cancer, and the doctors say she has only a year to live. She was diagnosed three years ago and refused to get treatment, saying that it was her destiny to die from it, but accepted pills that prolonged the enevitable, knowing that she had to take care of me until I could live alone. I felt guilty that I was stopping her from what she wanted but extremely greatful that I would be able to be with the most important person in my life for a little longer.

Stroking her medium length brown hair I kiss her forehead and quickly scrawl a note telling her where I'm going.

I stop in the doorway and turn around, gazing at the most amazing, kind, passionate, and caring person I know. She is so beautiful compared to me, with her amazing hair and piercing green eyes the color of freshly cut grass, whereas my dull, brown hair is always a little bit frizzy and my flat, grey eyes are about as interesting as a sack of potatoes. And, of course, I'm also four-eyed. My eyes tear up at the thought of losing her.

Figuring that the run will clear my head, I head into the kitchen of our three bedroom house and grab a granola bar and a water bottle and put my sneakers on. I head into the foyer and grab my ipod and my house key and head out the door, locking it behind me.

Breathing in the cool morning air, I eat my granola bar and toss the wrapper in the garbage can next to my garage. I can tell it's going to be a warm, nice day. I'm glad I could get a run in today; the last two days I've been unpacking my new house with occasional assistance from my mom. Our house isn't that big, but unpacking it alone is no small task, especially for someone like me who has OCD.

I turn on my Ipod to my Taylor Swift playlist, for some reason that girl motivates me to move faster, and go into some stretches. When I'm done stretching, I check out the woods behind my house and discover few paths. I decide to take the one that appears to go behind the houses on my street, figuring that if I get lost, I can always cut through someone's yard.

After twenty minutes of running, my favorite song comes on and, even though I know I should save my breath so I can run for a longer amount of time, I start to belt out the lyrics to The Story of Us and stop paying attention to the ground below me. Just as I get to the "next chapter" I trip on a root and I find myself falling. "Please don't get even more hurt!" I think to myself.

Just as I'm about to hit the ground, strong arms wrap around me and pull me back up, stopping my fall. My glasses get knocked off my face and since I'm pretty much legally blind without them, I'm not able to see who my savor is, though I can tell he is male, is very tall, and I think he has dirty blonde hair, but I can't be sure.

"Um.. My glasses," I mumble.

"What?" he asks.

"I dropped my glasses and I can't see without them." Smooth, Spencer. Very smooth.

"Oh, okay, hang on," he says. After about a minute, he hands me my glasses and says "here."

"Thanks," I say as I put my glasses on. "For both catching me and finding my glasses."

"No problem. By the way, my name's Alex."

"Mine's Spencer," I say as I look at him, and my mouth drops open. Oh my goodness...


Hi. Thanks for reading my very first chapter ever! I hope you enjoyed it and I'm really sorry if there is any typos or anything is not grammatically correct. If you like it or have any suggestions, make sure to leave a comment for me. On to the next chapter ;).

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