Getting detention

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"I can't believe you guys just did that!" I practically scream once we get out of class. I'm so mad at them right now. "What gives you three the idea that you can do something like that? I would have been fine by myself in detention, not to mention, you could've gotten expelled."
They all exchange nervous looks before Josh decides to answer me. "Well, you're our girl. Uh, I mean our friend, and that's the kind of thing friends do for each other," he says, scratching the back of his head. Mental awww moment! He just called me their girl!
"Well, I guess I can forgive you guys just this one time." They all look super relieved, and my heart flutters a little bit again. "However, if you ever do something like that ever again, you will face the consequences. And don't you dare tell the other guys. I wouldn't want them to try anything." They all look very sheepish, and my heart sinks. "You already told them, didn't you."
"Kinda?" Sebastian says. "But, we'll tell them to not do anything!"
"Too late!" Alex says, coming up behind us and wrapping his arms around me. I blush and look at the other three, expecting them to be a little bit angry, but, surprisingly, they look happy. Not that I'm being cocky and saying that they should be, but I kind of thought they might've had a tiny crush on me.
Snapping out of it, I groan and turn around. "What did you do?"
"Um, I might have pretended I was on the phone, talked really loudly, and when my teacher told me to put it away because I was disrupting the class, told her that it was very rude to interrupt someone when they were talking," he says hesitantly and the boys chuckle.
"Ugh, I can't believe you guys!" I say frustratedly, turning on my heel and storming off to chemistry.
"What's up with her?" I hear Alex ask, but before I can hear the answer, I'm out of hearing range.
I sigh, setting my bag down and slumping into my desk. "You okay?" Trixie asks me.
"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that boys are stupid."
"What did they do this time?"
"I got a detention for mouthing off a teacher, and so they all are getting one too, so the can 'protect' me," I answer, putting air quotes around protect.
"Aww, they stood up for you? That's sooo cute."
"It's not cute. Trixie, you should've seen what Nick, Josh, and Sebastian did. They could've gotten expelled."
"That just shows that they really care about you, Spence."
"But, still-" I start, but the bell rings, cutting me off.
"Okay class, today we will be reviewing the elements, so please take out a piece of paper," Mrs. Wrangler tells us.
We all take out paper and pencils, and before she can ask, I hand Trixie one of each. "Thanks," she whispers.
"No problem," I whisper back.
"Okay. So first there's Hydrogen, then Helium, then Lithium, then Boron, and can anyone tell me the fifth element?"
"Wrong," I whisper under my breath.
"Boron?" someone responds.
"No, Boron is the fourth element, Charles. Come on, we just went over this." I hesitantly raise my hand. "Yes, Spencer?" she says, her face hopeful.
"If you don't mind me saying, you're actually wrong." Everyone gasps, and Mrs. Wrangler looks shocked. "Charles was right, Boron is the fifth element. You skipped Beryllium, which is why you were confused." What can I say, I like elemental science.
"I suppose that is correct," she says, looking ticked off.
For the next fifty minutes, Mrs. Wrangler keeps shooting my subtle glares, and when the bell rings, I'm thrilled to leave.
"That was awesome! I can't believe you didn't get a detention for that!" Trixie exclaims, slightly jumping up and down as we walk to English.
"She had no reason to give me detention. I simply pointed out the truth, and I did it in a polite way."
"It was still awesome, though."
"What was awesome?" Josh asks, coming up next to us.
"Spence here totally told Mrs. Wrangler that she was wrong in front  of the whole class," Trixie responds.
"Well, she was," I mumble under my breath.
"Spencer, you need to be more careful," he says as we walk into English. I vaguely remember Josh and one of the other guys talking to Alex before class started yesterday, but I can't for the life of me recall which one it was. "I don't want to have to get another detention."
"Don't you even think about it, I say, shooting him a glare.
We all sit down next to Alex, who tries to figure out what we're talking about. "So, what exactly did you do that has Spence so mad?" Trixie asks Josh.
"Um, I might of thrown all of the papers off of Mr. Hudson's desk while Sebastian danced on it and Nick held him back."
Trixie just looks at him for a second, shock evident on her face, and then blinks rapidly, snapping out of it. "That is awesome! I mean, I can tell why Spence would be mad, that's pretty bad, and you definitely could've gotten expelled. But, still, so cool!"
"Not cool," I mumble, but they don't hear me. I glance up at the clock to comfort me and see that we only have a minute before class starts.
At the last second, Robbie comes running through the door and slides into the seat in front of me.
"Hey," he whispers. "I heard what happened."
I groan. "Please don't tell me you've already gotten detention."
"Actually, I haven't yet."
"Please promise me you won't!"
"Okay, anything for you." Wow, two mental awww moments in one day. What are these boys doing to me?
"Thank you, Robbie."
He goes to reply, but, before he can, the bell rings and the teacher starts his lesson.
The next few periods go by super slow, and by the time the bell rings, signaling the end of math, I'm lucky I haven't already gnawed my foot off. I find out that Carson is in my French class, but none of the guys have math with me, meaning it's just me and Jill.
"Lunch!" I cry as we exit the classroom.
"Wow, someone's hungry," Jill says, laughing.
"I almost considered eating one of my fingers."
"Did you not have breakfast or something?"
"I didn't get to finish it."
"Well, that explains your mood. No offense, but you seem a little cranky," she says as we walk through the door and walk over to the guys' table.
"Oh, I'm not cranky because I haven't eaten anything. You have your brother and his friends to thank for that."
"What did they do?"
"Why don't you ask them?" I say as we sit down. Trixie is already here, of course interrogating them on what they all did to get a detention.
"What did you do?" Jill asks Alex, glaring at him.
"Um, we all got detentions because Spencer did," he guiltily says. Wait, did he just say they ALL got detention? I look at Robbie, who promised me he wouldn't, and he looks really guilty.
"Awww," Jill says.
"I need some air," I say, standing up.
"I'll go with you," Robbie says, standing up.
"Alone," I say, and walk away, leaving them behind.
I walk out into the courtyard and enjoy the feel of the hot South Carolina sun on my face. I know I'm overreacting, but no one has ever done something like this for me, and definitely not seven attractive guys. What they're doing for me is so sweet, I just don't know how to react. I don't want them to get in trouble though, and definitely not because they were doing something for me. I look around for somewhere to sit, and I see an empty bench in the corner, so I go over and sit down. I know Robbie promised not to, but he probably didn't want to be alone. I guess I should go apologize to them for overreacting. That way, I can eat my lunch, which, unfortunately, I left in my backpack, which is is at the table.
I'm making my way over to to the doors that lead inside when someone steps in front of me. I look up to see the girl with the bleach blonde hair who I asked for directions yesterday. "Um, excuse me," I say, trying to step around her.
"Where do you think you're going, bitch?" she asks, grabbing my arm and digging her fake nails into it. I'm really tempted to flip her, I could easily, as I've been taking Karate since I was nine, but I don't want to risk getting another detention, so I just rip my arm out of her grasp and start to walk away. "Hey, I'm talking to you," she says.
"Oh, I'm aware," I reply, still walking towards the doors.
"Look, just stay away from those boys, one of them will be mine and I don't want your grubby little hands on them." I stop and turn to her.
"Look up at the sky and count the stars. That's how many fucks I give about your opinion."
"But it's daytime."
"Exactly," I say, and walk inside, leaving her stunned.
"Are you okay?" Jill and Trixie simultaneously ask me as I sit down.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask, confused.
"Well, you did just talk to Violet Miles. She's only the meanest girl in the whole school," Jill tells me.
"Didn't seem so mean when I knocked her down a peg," I say, grinning. They look at me confused, so I repeat our conversation.
"You are so much cooler than I thought you were," Trixie says, and I stick my tongue out at her.
"Um, guys, I have to tell you something." Here goes nothing. I was always really bad at apologizing. "I'm really sorry I overreacted about you guys getting detention for me. It was actually really sweet and instead of getting mad, I should have just thanked you. So, thank you."
Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long for me to update, like I've said before, I'm really busy. I've also been working on a new story that I'm planning on debuting soon! Anyways, who's excited for The Healing Power of Sugar?! I know I am! for those of you that don't know, that's the next book in the GB series, and it's coming out on November 24th. Yay!
Okay, well I guess I should start writing the next chapter. Off I go!

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