A stupid slip-up

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The rest of the day goes by in a blur. Miss Shields is easily my favorite teacher, and I can already tell I'm going to love that class. She's around forty and has long, curly blonde hair with grey streaks in it. You can tell that she loves her job, which makes me happy because at least one of my teachers wants to be here. Sadly, none of my friends are in my class, and everyone seems to not like me, for some unknown reason. So it might be a lonely class for me. I talked to Christian for the whole class in yearbook, and before I knew it, the final bell is ringing, signaling the end of day.

"So, Spencer, have any plans for after school?" Christian asks me as we head to my locker.

"Nope. I was just going to go home and do my homework," I say, turning the dial on my locker to open it.

"Well, we're all going over to Alex's house, if you want to come."

"Okay, I'll meet you guys over there. I just have to check on my mom and then I'll come righ-"

My sentence is cut off by someone yelling "SPENNY!" at the top of their lungs. I look up just in time to see Sebastian scoop my up into a hug. After I get over the initial shock, I hug him back, noticing that he smells like wet pavement, a scent that I just so happen to love.

"Hey Sebastian," I say, laughing at his interesting greeting.

"So, Spencer, we're all going ov-" Sebastion starts, but I cut him off.

"Christian already told me and I said yes," I say, and he immediately brightens.

"What did you say yes to?" Alex says, coming up behind Sebastian.

"Coming over to your house," I say, blushing because I just realized Alex might not be okay with that.

"Cool," he says, smiling.

"Anyways, I was telling Christian that I need to check up on my mom and then I'll come right over."

"Do you need a ride home from school?" Robbie says. When did he get here?

"No,I rode my bike."

"We can fit your bike in my car," Nick says, popping up from behind Robbie. Ha, he thought my bike was an actual bike, not a motorcycle.

"My bike wouldn't fit in your car."

"Sure it would. My car can totally fit a mountain bike."

"Yeah, but can it fit a motorcycle?" I ask, opening my locker and pulling out my helmet.

I turn around, and all of the boys' mouths are hanging  open. "I'll take that as a no. Okay, well, bye guys! I'll see you in a little while."

As I turn to go, I hear a chorus 'bye Spencer's and smile to myself. These boys are really starting to grow on me.


Thirty minutes later, I'm standing in Alex's bathroom, splashing water on my face. "This is not a dream. This is really happening. I'm alone in a house with seven boys," I think to myself. "Relax, they're not going to hurt you. Not all guys are like him. You'll be fine." I sigh. "Good, now deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out." I do the exercises that the school nurse at my old school taught me when I started to hyperventilate after finding out my mom had cancer.

I wipe my face off with a towel and I'm about to go out the door, when I see my reflection in the mirror. I freeze. "Oh no! Oh no, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening! Not here, not now. God, how could I be so stupid? Four years of hard work wasted because of a simple mixup. My fresh start is ruined. Now no one will want to be friends with me." I start to cry, realizing that this will probably cost me all of my new friends. No one wants to be friends with a freak.

"Hey, Spencer? Are you okay in there?" Alex's concerced voice floats through the door.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a second," I call back, suprised that my voice sounds even. I stand up, wiping the tears from my eyes and fixing my disheveled hair. "At least I remembered to wear waterproof mascara,"I think wryly to myself.

Opening the door, I step out, and flinch at the audible gasp all of the guys let out.


Hey, guys! Thanks for reading my latest chapter! I hope that you all enjoyed it and sorry for the cliffhanger. It had to be done. If you liked this chapter, please give it a vote. And while you're waiting for my next update, I would love it if you tried out my other story, Over Again.

So, what do you think has got Spencer so upset? Did you guys like the boy's reaction to the fact that Spencer drives a motorcycle? And who is 'him'? Let me know what you think in the comments, please!

I'm off to write the next chapter! ;)

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