Meeting my boys

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All of the boys look at me with their mouths agape, like they can't believe I just said that, except for one of them who was drinking water. He started laughing when he heard my question and is now choking on the water.

"Are you okay?" I ask, prepared to give him the Heimlich if he needs it, but he nods and waves me away. He has light brown hair similar in color to mine and sea blue eyes that are framed by black  rimmed glasses, like mine. He's wearing tan slacks and a lavender dress shirt, and is probably six or seven inches taller than me. To say the least, he is very handsome. Actually, all the boys at this table are absolutely gorgeous. And, they're all staring at me.

Alex is the first to speak. "Hey Spencer, I was just telling my friends how you beat me in our swimming race yesterday. Guys, this is Spencer. Spencer, these are my friends Robbie, Josh, Carson, Nick, Christian, and the one choking on water is Sebastian." Sebastian glares at Alex, causing me to giggle.

"Nice to meet you guys," I say through a giggle while studying each boy.

Robbie is sitting next to Alex. He has dark brown hair that is almost black and piercing emerald green eyes. His pale skin is a strong contrast to his dark hair and he looks to be a few inches taller that Alex, meaning he's a full head and a half taller than me. He's wearing a black button-up dress shirt with a lemon yellow tie and tan slacks.

Sitting next to Robbie is Josh.  Josh has shaggy, chocolate brown hair and matching brown eyes. He is pretty tan and looks to be maybe an inch shorter than Alex, meaning he is still considerably taller than me. He's wearing a dark orange dress shirt unbuttoned over a white ribbed tank top and tan slacks similar to Robbie's.

Across from Josh is Carson. If I was to meet him in a dark alleyway and not know him, I would probably run away screaming. He has dark brown hair and and grey eyes. He's tan, but not as tan as Josh or Alex, and is easily two heads taller than me, making him the tallest of the group. He's very muscly, but not bulky, and looks as if he could throw me across the room with ease. His charcoal grey dress shirt does little to hide his strength.

Next to Carson is Nick. He has red hair that is cut short and bright green eyes like my mom's. Similar to Robbie, Nick has pale skin, but he is a couple inches shorter than him, making him about the same height as Alex. Nick is dressed in a sunset orange dress shirt that is rolled up to a little above his elbows and tan slacks that are identical to the other guys'.

After Nick is Christian.  Christian, with his medium blond hair, light blue eyes and tan skin, has the surfer look down. He's about five inches taller than me, making him the shortest of the group. Like the other guys, he's wearing tan slacks and a dress shirt, but his dress shirt is white.

Across from me is Sebastian and next to me is Alex. Just like the other guys, Alex is wearing tan slacks and his dress shirt is white, like Christian's. He has a bright green tie on and I smile, knowing that it's his favorite color.  I'm guessing that the other guys are wearing their favorite colors, and I start thinking about how beautiful and muscular they all are.

"-ame." Crap, one of them, I think it was Nick, just said something to me.

"Can you repeat that?" I ask, embarassed that I wasn't listening.

"I said 'so you're the little bird who beat our star swimmer at his own game.'" I was right, it was Nick who was speaking to me. But why did he call me a little bird? And what did he mean by 'star swimmer'?

"Um, yeah I guess that's me."

"So, I see you've met my sister," Alex says, changing the subject.

"Yep. She's really nice!"

"That's what you think."

We talk for the whole rest of lunch, and when the bell rings, it feels way too soon.


Hey guys! I'm really glad you read this chapter and I really hope you liked it!!! Sorry about the fact that all the guys are wearing tan slacks. I know it probably got really repetitive and annoying to read, because it was annoying to write. But, I think that tan slacks look nice, so I wanted them all to be wearing them.

Anyways, what do you think of the guys! Spencer's guess was right, all of their dress shirts correspond with their favorite colors, except for Christian's because his favorite color is tan and he can't wear both tan slacks and a tan shirt. Do you think that the boys answer to Spencer's question is acceptable?  I really hope you're enjoying my story so far and I love hearing your opinions, so let me know if you like it in the comments!

I'm off to write the next chapter.

Chickadee ( A Ghost Bird series Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن