The truth comes out

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Hey guys! I'm really, really, really sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've just been super busy lately. Well, here it is. I hope you enjoy it.

Love, Ava


All seven of the guys are staring at me like I've grown two heads. Carson is the first one to speak, which shocks me because the only other thing he's said to me is hi. "What the hell happened to your face?!" he yells, and jumps up off the couch that he was sitting on, making me shrink back from him.

"Um, I tripped and fell and a rock hit me in the face," I say, hoping they believe it because I really don't want to have to explain my dad.

"Spencer, you can tell us, it's okay," Alex says, coming up to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"What?" I ask, playing dumb.

"Sweetie, you're a really bad liar."

"Um." Oh god, here it goes. I'm going to tell them, and they're going to hate me. "My dad punched me last week."

It was so quiet that I swear you could hear a pin drop. I looked at the guys, expecting to see disgust and hatred but, instead, I saw something else. I-I saw anger, and fear, and worry. Almost as if... No, these boys can't care about me. They just met me. And, not to mention, I just told them my biggest and ugliest secret.

"W-what?" Josh asks, and I can tell he's barely keeping is cool.

And so, I told them everything. How, when I was eleven, my aunt died and after that, my dad was never the same. How he would spend his nights at bars and come home at three in the morning. How, when my mom was diagnosed, he would find every excuse to hurt me and beat me and belittle me because I reminded him of her too much. How I would go to school with bruises and hope beyond hope that someone would help me, but no one gave a damn about the broken little girl. How I would have to work three jobs to support me and my mother, even though my dad made a lot of money. He would hog it and use it all to spend on his drinking problem. "One night, I came home to find my dad hitting my mom. So I knocked him out and asked my mom where she wanted to move to. I had saved every penny since my dad started hitting me so that one day, my mom and I could move somewhere safe. She said we should move to Charleston, so here we are now."

"So your dad isn't here?" Christian asks, he voice filled with anger.

"No, we left him behind," I say, feeling something warm and wet run down my face.

"Hey, don't cry," Alex says, wiping the tear off of my cheek and pulling me into his embrace. I readily accept him as he wraps his arms around me. He smells like oranges and his strong arm's are warm around me.

I look up at him, and notice that he's doing this thing with his eyes as he looks at the other boys, almost as if they're communicating with them.

"Hey, Spencer," Nick says from behind me. I let go of Alex and turn to face him. "I know how you feel. Actually, we all know how you feel. Most of our parents are like your dad. I just thought you would want to know that you're not alone." I blink rapidly, surprised at what he just said. These boys, these seven beautiful boys, went through the same thing as me and are willing to accept me.

"S-so you don't hate me?"

All of the boys burst out laughing, which of course thoroughly confuses me. "No, Spenny, we don't hate you" Sebastian says through his laughter.

"Well, good," I say, another plan forming in my mind. "I was worried I was going to have to eat all of the chocolate chip cookies myself." With that, I turn on my heel and run out the front door, leaving seven slightly stunned guys to chase after me.


Hey guys! Once again, sorry for not updating sooner! School started last week for me and I haven't had a lot of free time, so... Thanks so much for sticking with my story! I really hope you enjoyed this update!

Well, I'm off to write the next chapter!

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