Chapter 41

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Brad's POV

We all ran to Emily's house. We weren't thinking when we tried to open the door without the key.

I texted Kylie.

To: Kyls😍😘💍

Door's locked. Is there a spare anywhere?

She texted back soon after.

From: Kyls😍😘💍

Yeah. Underneath the plant by the door.

To: Kyls😍😘💍

K. Thanks. Love you❤️

From: Kyls😍😘💍

Love you too❤️❤️

I put my phone away and went to get the key. I unlocked the door and the boys ran in.

"Kinda scared because of the way they described him." Connor and Luke say. I nod at their statement.

"I'm pretty sure if there was something they needed to tell you about him, they would tell you." Ashton said. No one else really talked to us, besides Ashton.

Well, Calum didn't talk because he was mad as fuck he didn't get Yasmin. Michael, Tristan, and James on the other hand were having a conversation about Pokemon.

They don't even play Pokemon. But, one thing I never do is question them or their ability.

hey guys. I'm so so so so sorry I haven't been updating

but, guess who's back? back again 😂

I'll be updating as much as I can. I'll update whenever I'm free

well, I lub chu all❤️

and this chapter sucks ass

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