Chapter 10

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"Oh." I said.

I didn't know what else to say, really.

I thought he wanted to kill me.

Anyone would think the same if they were in my shoes.

Beautiful boy, black wandering eyes, and as manly as a girl could get a guy.

His eyes roamed my body slowly as he took in my frantic state. "Let's go meet my family."

I was meeting his family.

On our first official date.

If I even wanted to call it that.


I didn't.

Before I could shake my head, he grasped my hand in his, the fire returning stronger and more prominent than before, and pulled me out of his car.

The door shut and locked immediately and I felt myself sweating anxiously.

Right as I was about to move, I felt his body come close.

I looked up.

He pushed me against his car so that I was leaning on the passenger door.

Rye was towering over me and I found it extremely hard to breathe. His chest against my chest, lips inches from one another. A little brown strand of hair escaped from his slicked hair and I desperately wanted to fix it.

I couldn't breathe. He was so close and his body so warm and..

I had to stop this.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, Rye's thumb was in my mouth.

"Suck." He gently said.

A little boy was out here somewhere and Rye was telling me to suck on his finger..


I did.

He smiled, the warmth in me spreading like a wild fire. I loved feeling his approving eyes roam my body. I loved making him smile, if even just in that slight moment.

I sucked harder.

"Slow down, Paisley. We can put that to use later." He teased and took his thumb out of my mouth.

My face heated and I looked down.

"Close your eyes." He commanded silently. I don't know why, but I listened. I felt his thumb run across my eyelid, one after the other. It was slightly painful, irritation pumping through me. I didn't understand what he was doing.

"Much, much better." I opened my eyes and he held out his phone like a mirror.

"You don't need all that silly makeup to be beautiful. I much prefer you with none."

I didn't feel beautiful, but with his eyes on me now, I felt anything but ugly.

He grasped my hand once more and pulled me towards the house.

I admit, I was nervous.

So very nervous.

"Ryderrr!!!!" The little boy from before called and came bounding to him.


Rye picked him up and spun him around while laughing.

I smiled. He was sweet.

The boy had to only be about seven and he childishly kicked at Rye. Once Rye finally put him down, he noticed me and walked over.

"Hi." He said and continued to stare at me.

I smiled and nodded.

"You're quiet." He said and stuck out his hand.

"I'm Mason but you can call me M." I went to shake it but he pulled away.

"You haven't told me your name." He commented and hesitantly kept his hand raised.

I sighed.

"Paisley." Rye said and came to my side. "Her name is Paisley." I felt his hand wrap around my waist and I rested my head against his chest. It felt comforting knowing he was there.

"Why can't she talk?" He asked Rye and looked back at me. "Are you a mermaid?"

I giggled, really, really loudly.

"Why would you say that?" Rye asked but I heard him trying not to smile.

"Because! Ariel couldn't speak when she gave up her voice to find her true love."

I felt myself heat under his words. Rye was silent too.

"Well, you love her, right? You guys are in love." He smiled, pearly whites just like his brother and bounced up and down.

"Well." Rye answered and I felt his hand grip me tighter and pull me closer.

"Oh, I get it. You guys didn't kiss yet. That's it. When you kiss her she gets her voice back. Then you guys fall in love." He paused and looked at me, his eyes, not black but dark like his brothers, gouging my reaction. "It must be cool to be a mermaid though." Mason shrugged and looked around.

"Cleo!" He called and the dog came sprinting towards his side. She tackled him playfully, licking his face.

Thankfully, he got distracted.
Thankfully, I was saved.

"You know what that means." Rye whispered in my ear and before I could stop him, he turned me over and pressed his lips upon mine.

At first I shied away, trying to pull myself away from his grasp.

But soon enough I felt the heat, and I could never get enough of it.

Rye was the first to pull away, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Great show, doll."

"Oh, my God." I whispered and hiccuped nervously. He's so breathtaking it hurts me.

"Ha!" Mason got up with Cleo playfully nudging him.

"You spoke! I knew it!" He danced around me in circles, and I leaned my head against Rye without thinking.
Quickly I pushed myself off of him, much to his dismay. I was moving too fast, the heat was too much.

I didn't care.

Or maybe I did.

I didn't know anymore.

"Let's go inside, I'm sure everyone else would like to meet you as well." Rye said, and reached for me, but I dodged his touch.

I was getting a little sweaty.

He sighed, but led the way up to his house. I followed, Mason and Cleo trailing slowly behind.

Right before we entered the house, I felt a slight tug on my dress.

Turning around, I saw Mason motion for me to come closer.

Oddly enough, I found myself bending over.

With a sad look in his eyes, he asked, "Aren't you sad you can't be a mermaid anymore?"

It took a moment for me to answer his question. He was a kid, he didn't know fantasy from reality.

But the thought still remained, am I sad I can't be a mermaid anymore?

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

I didn't know.

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