Chapter 16

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My breaths came out in small pants as I left her.

I left her to her dorm and I know it shouldn't bother me because she's safe and she has that snob of a friend of hers, but, it does. It always would bother me.

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to run back in there and take her back to the house with me.

But that would be worse. And stupid. Butch and all the other fucks would be all over her.

They're disgusting. And she's pure.

Instead of being irrational, I drove back to the house. Without her.

Without my Paisley.

She'd be asleep by now anyway. She was tired when I left her and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep, especially on colder nights.

She loved sleeping during the colder nights.

When I made it back to the shitty building, I took in the bright lights and the awful music blaring through the windows.

I fucking hated parties.

But the noise did drown out my obsessive thoughts.

Sometimes, if I couldn't stop thinking about Paisley or everything became too damn much, I would just get lost in the music and alcohol.

But not anymore.

Not when I was so close to having her.

Or, really, so close to making her realize I have her.

I pushed past everyone who was in my way and trudged up the stairs with heavy feet.

I didn't want to be here but I sure as hell couldn't let my thoughts get the best of me.

Once I saw my room, I unlocked the door, walked in, and slammed it behind me.

I took in my mess of a bed and shrugged.

Just weeks ago, she was here.

Just weeks ago, Paisley was in my room.

Even if it was just for a half an hour, she was here.

I needed to get a hold of my damn self.

Grabbing my laptop off the desk, I slammed myself into the bed and flipped it open.

After entering my password, I logged onto my computer.

As soon as my desktop loaded, I was bombarded with the many documents I previously made under the file P.M.

Paisley Mase.

Paisley, Paisley, Paisley.

Her name was as beautiful as her.

Clicking new, I closed my eyes and envisioned her soft hair and her pink lips.

I envisioned the way she pouted or the way she would try and hide a smile.

My fingers began typing before I could even process what I was thinking.

But whatever was being typed, I knew it would be good.

My work was always amazing when she was my muse.

Soft skin, vibrant eyes, long hair. A perfect girl in a cruel world. I wanted to embrace her, caress her soft skin, and make her purr like the innocent kitten she was, and always will be. Innocence...

"Rye!" My name was being called from outside my room and I groaned.

Not now. Not when I'm writing.

"What?" I yelled back, irritation etched in my voice.

"You gotta come down! Hanna is here!" I noticed the guys voice being Devon, and I knew he just wanted to tick me off.

"Not now." I seethed. For a moment I thought he actually gave up. I thought maybe he had let me breathe and not worry about stupid things.

But just as the thought passed, the door was pounding.

"Come on! She's waiting." He was drunk, and annoying. And I really wanted to take his fucking head and squeeze it.

Instead, I slammed my laptop shut, cracked my knuckles, took a long ass breathe because I could feel my anxiety taking over, and opened my door.

"Doesn't Hanna know I don't want to ever see her again?" I asked politely but my voice said otherwise.

"Dude come on. Stop being such a little snob. Just come say hi and grab a drink." Devon moaned and grabbed my arm.

Wrong fucking move.

I twisted out of his grip and brought my hand to his neck, slamming him up against the wall.

He was confused, but he had no damn right to be. His face started to turn purple and for a moment I actually enjoyed watching him suffer. His life was fleeting in my own hand.

"Listen here, Devon. I don't want to see that bitch and I don't want to touch a cup of alcohol. Now, rule number 1 around here is to not touch me, and you just went against that." I slowly loosened my grip, but closed the gap between us as I stared at his blue eyes inches away from my own.

"If you ever do it again, you're looking at a fucking ass beating. Do you understand?"

Devon, clearly scared and clearly a pussy, nodded and scrambled down the stairs.

As I was about to turn around and back to my room, I heard her.

No, not my innocent Paisley.

I heard Hanna.

"Rye! Rye." She repeated my name until I turned towards her.

I saw her running up the stairs and for a moment I thought of running into my room and locking the door because that would save me.

But I took too long and she was already next to me.

"How have you been? I've missed you. It's been so long. Wow." She was rambling.

I hated it.

Her brown curly hair covered most of her face and her hazel eyes were blinking rapidly.

She was wearing a glob of makeup and a bright pink lipstick.

And I didn't get why I ever thought it would be okay to try and forget Paisley while she was in high school with this worthless bitch.

I didn't get why I ever thought another girl could be the answer to what was right in front of me.

My right hand was all I needed until Paisley came around.

I didn't need these sluts or drinks, and I really didn't need Hanna.

"I've been a lot better." I answered monotonously, glancing back at my door every few seconds.

"It's been so long." She repeated again, and what I didn't expect was for her to place her hands on my shoulders.

"Can you look at me? I miss seeing those eyes of yours." She whined and her cold hands were leaving my shoulders feeling frost bitten.

Fucking Hanna.

Exhaling deeply, I pushed my hands in my pockets and turned to her.

I was met with bright pink lips.

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