Chapter 17

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"Paisley come on. It'll be fun." Lily was sitting on my bed, jumping up and down like a child.

I wanted to hit her and pull my covers up over my head. I wanted to drown out the world.

I wanted to sleep.

I had enough for the night, and all I wanted to do was sleep and get lost in dreams of black eyes and loving hands.

"You said that last time." I noted and rolled over in my bed to face the wall.

"Yeah but this time it's different. I'm not going to leave you."


"Yes you will."

"Paisley, please. I need you to come with me."


"Why? I'm boring." I said and let a grumble escape me.

"Paisley. Stop. Let's go." I saw her auburn hair from my peripheral vision flash before me.

Then, I was in the air.

Being tugged by her ruthless grip to the mirror that seemed to haunt me every time I passed it.

"This mirror is ugly." I mumbled, cringing slightly at the way the wood chipped the sides of it angrily.

Splinters. I could imagine the many splinters I would get from brushing my fingers even slightly against the the material.

"It was my grandma's." She pouted and brought her tall frame to meet my awkward one.

I stifled my laugh and kept my expression mutual. She couldn't get to me. She wouldn't get to me.

She got to me.

It was only minutes later that I found myself being lugged across campus to the frat house. The same house from the first night of college.

The house Rye knocked Butch out in.

"Lily." I croaked as she harshly tugged on my wrist with her smooth fingers. She didn't budge, and she didn't look back. Her face remained forward, frolicking with glee to the house that was only yards away from us.

"Lily, I don't think this is smart." I called to her, but she was already gone.

Once we made it to the steps, I came to a halt.

Lily tried to pull me, but I stood motionless.

"Come on, Paisley. You have got to get over this fear, whatever fear it is. It's college. It's fun!"

Fun. The word played through my head as I stared at the girl in front of me. Fun.

"You go. I'll be there in a few." I said lowly, and she just nodded.

"If you're not in here in five minutes, I'm coming for you." Her smile made me smile too.

Instantly, Lily turned away from me and brushed past countless strangers. I stood glued to the spot I was in, switching weight from one foot to the next.

The house was large from where I stood, dominating the expanse of the street and making everyone look tiny. If this didn't make me feel uneasy, the thought of seeing Butch here would.

Inhaling loudly, I took the steps one at a time.

Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot.

I had made it to the top and headed inside.

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