Belly Pain and Google

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I'd like to give a shout out to mrsurie1988 ! (:
Follow her & read her Ryden fic!

Also, sorry I haven't updated this. I know it's been like a thousand years.


My stomach keeps growing. It won't stop and I look like an alien. I feel miserable.

But Ryan says it's cute, my little baby bump. Spencer is excited for me to get bigger so he can do one of those belly casting things, which I am not looking forward to. At all. But It seems that I have no say so in anything that's going on right now. Mom is planning a baby shower, Spencer's helping her out with it and when they ask for my opinion on something, they just ignore whatever I have to say.

Ryan said if we have a boy, he'd like to name him after one of the Beatles. But that probably won't happen.

"Brendon, you need to pick a theme for the baby shower." My mom said, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.

"I thought you and Spencer were taking care of everything?"

"It's your baby shower! You need to decide on things too."

"I've tried. You guys ignore me." Mom rolled her eyes and smiled.

"No, we just thought some things were better than what you had mentioned." I took a bite out of my apple and sat down in front of her.

"Then why bother asking me?"

"You might have some good ideas." She shrugged. "When's Ryan getting off work?"

I looked at the clock on the wall.

"He should be walking in any minute." I took took another bite of my apple and didn't want it anymore. I hate when this happens. I set it on the paper towel and pushed it away from me.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked.

"Just feelings sick again." I sighed.

"It'll get better, sweetie."

"Yeah, I doubt that." The front door opened and closed and I heard footsteps getting closer to the kitchen.

Ryan walked in, looking frustrated and cute and can we go to the bedroom now?

"Hi." I said, giving him a smile.

"Hi." He didn't sound happy. More pissed off and annoyed.

"How was work?" My mom asked.

"It sucked," he came and sat down next to me, putting his head on the table. "I hate people."

"Did something happen?" I asked, hoping he'd talk about it.

"Mikey came in," he lifted his head but kept his eyes on the table top. "he was making a big deal about something so I tried helping him and apparently that wasn't good enough, so he talked to my boss and complained about me, telling him that I wasn't helping him at all and making me look like a complete ass. So my boss yelled at me and said if this happens again, I'm gone." 

"Don't you have security cameras or something?" Ryan shook his head. "Well that's stupid. Mikey's an asshole."

"Is Mikey the one you got into it with at the mall?" My mom asked me. I nodded my head and she sighed. "Some people just aren't happy with their own lives. So they have to cause trouble for everyone else. Don't let him get to you, Ryan. He isn't worth it." 

"But I can't afford to lose my job."

"You can find another one." I smiled. He looked at me, half smiled and nodded. "I want ice cream."

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