I Don't Know

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Me. I'm up. 


"Ryan, get Caleb." I nudged him with my arm, only to get a nudge back and a tired groan. "Please. I got up with him last time." I shoved my face back into the pillow and started drifting off again.

Caleb's cries kept me awake though.

I groaned and got out of bed, giving up on trying to get Ryan to get up with him. That rarely ever happens.

I left my bedroom and went to the kitchen to make him a bottle. His cries were still ringing throughout the house and then suddenly they stopped. I hurried to make the bottle, warm it up and I ran back up the stairs.

Ryan was sitting on the bed with Caleb, rocking him back and forth and I could hear him humming over the fan. I smiled and made my way to them.

"He just wanted me," Ryan said. "he isn't hungry."

"Put the nipple to his mouth and see how fast he opens up for it." I laughed. Ryan took the bottle and did what I said and sure enough, Caleb's mouth opened so fast like he'd never eaten before in his life. "You should have changed his diaper first."

"I already did." Ryan motioned to the folded up diaper sitting on the night stand.

"You could have thrown it away." I tossed it into the trash can and laid back down. My eyes felt heavy and the last thing I saw was Ryan smiling at me.


"He's so cute!" Spencer said, smiling as big as he could at Caleb. "God, I can't wait to have mine."

"Not too much longer." I sighed. "It's stressful sometimes, but it's all worth it."

"How's Ryan doing with him?"

"Good," I smiled. "We've been getting along a lot better and he helps me out whenever I need it. It just sucks sometimes because he works two jobs now and he's gone most of the time. But when he's here, he's always got Caleb." 

"That's good. I'm glad he's helping you." I nodded in agreement and smiled at Caleb. "Jon's excited for our baby. It's so cute seeing him look at baby clothes and picking names."

"What names has he picked?" I asked.

"He likes Kinzley for a girl and Jacob for a boy. His middle name is Jacob."

"Those are nice." I smiled.

Spencer and I talked for a while longer before he had to leave before his mom got home. She's still not happy with him getting pregnant. But she needs to get over it because it's not going to change anything.

I fed and changed Caleb and put him to bed. Ryan should be home soon, so I sat up to wait for him.

Two hours passed before he got home. 

"Hey." He said loudly, stumbling into the bedroom.

"Be quiet, Caleb's sleeping." Ryan mumbled something and shut the door then made his way to the bed. "What's wrong with you?"

"What?" He asked, giving me a weird look. "Nothing baby."

"Are you drunk?" He smiled and shook his head.

"Not drunk," he said sitting down next to me. "just a little buzzed. I was with Jon and some girl he said was his cousin."

"I thought you weren't gonna drink anymore?"

"Calm down Bren." He rolled his eyes and fell backward, his head sinking into the pillow and his eyes closing. "How was your day?"

"Fine. I hung out with Spencer for a little bit."

"His mom actually let him leave the house?"

"She wasn't home. He left before she got there." Ryan hummed and then sighed.

"I missed you." He reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently and rubbing his thumb across my knuckles.

"Yeah. Missed you too."

"God, Bren. Stop killing the mood." He pulled me down to lay next to him and his lips found mine instantly.

I closed my eyes and kissed him back, wrapping an arm around his midsection and gripping his shirt. Ryan moaned in my mouth and slipped his tongue passed my lips.

And then we had to stop because Caleb started crying.

"I'll get him." I said, peeling myself off of him.

"Hurry and get him back to sleep," Ryan whined. "I need you."

I got out of bed and hurried to make Caleb a bottle and when I got back to the bedroom, Ryan had Caleb in bed lying next to him and they were both asleep. I smiled at them and set the bottle on the table and joined them.


This is reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy short and I'm reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry. But I don't know what else to do -_-

Updating something else nao.

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