New Girl

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Okay, here's the disclaimer!

I do not own Ouran High School Host Club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I wake up and prop myself up on my elbows wincing. Today is my first day at Ouran and I have to cover up a beating... Great. I walk to my mirror and hold in a gasp. My arms are bruised purple and my stomach is almost black. My legs are only lightly bruised, luckily. But my lip is swollen and my upper cheek and next to my eye are pretty bad. 'Might as well get it over with,' I thought. I apply my cover up and put some lip balm on, it helps hide the swelling. I take out the box my uniform came in and scowl at it. It was the ugliest thing I've ever seen, it was a poofy yellow dress and it looked really uncomfortable, but it took a lot of money to buy. I put it on, 'At least it covers the bruises,' I thought. I wore long brown boots to hide my legs and left without breakfast. I lived 15 minutes away so I walked and no one noticed me, thank God! I arrived at the school and I spent at least 5 minutes just staring at it, mouth agape.  It's...  Pink.

I snapped out of my daze when I heard girls snicker. I heard them say things along the lines of, "Is she dumb?" "How sad!!" and even, "She is so poor!  How did she afford the uniform?!" my face heated with embarrassment as I hurried to the main office.

After getting my schedule I hurried to my classroom, 2B. I entered and the whole class turned to me and I allowed my hair to fall into my eyes. The teacher spoke, "Katsou Miyuki, please sit between Suoh Tamaki and Ootori Kyouya. Boys, raise your hands so she knows where to go." I looked at the people to whom the hands belonged. One was a blond with violet eyes and slightly tanned skin. The other was, in my opinion, HOT, with black hair, coal eyes that had sleek glasses over them, and pale skin.

The blonde smiled at me, "I'm Tamaki! You should visit my club after school, okay Princess?" Tamaki pointed at the black haired one, "That's Kyouya, he's in the club too."

"Alright, I'll give this club a try." I respond. The rest of class passed pretty fast and soon it was lunch. While the students left for the cafeteria, I took out my home packed bento at my desk and munched on it happily. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and my confused eyes met Kyouya's cold ones.

"Why are you still here? Why not eat with some friends?" He questioned.

I replied sadly, "I don't have any friends..." he looked at me and surprise flashed on his face for a brief moment before going back to cold stone.

"You can sit with us, if you'd like." He smiled at me, but it looked forced. I sighed before nodding in answer. He led me through the halls to the lunch room. We stepped in and I instantly heard girls whisper about a 'secret relationship' or how jealous they were.

Me, being the awkward and shy weirdo that I am, stepped behind Kyouya and clutched his jacket as a guide. I heard a deep chuckle, "Miyuki, what are you doing?" I stared at him in surprise, he used my first name, does this mean we're friends?

"I'm kinda shy, so I hid behind you..." He chuckled again and told me to follow him. I did and he led me to a table with Tamaki, a short blonde, a tall black haired boy, a pair of ginger twins, and a brown haired girl dressed as a boy. "Kyouya-sama, why is she dressed as a boy?" I asked, pointing to the brunette. They all wore shocked expressions, I gasped in surprise as Kyouya picked me up bridal style and carried me to Music Room 3. The rest of them were there when we arrived and they tied me to a chair and shone a light in my face.

At the same time they all, except for Mr. Tall, asked, "How did you know Haruhi is a girl?!"

"Basic knowledge, no Adam's apple, huge girly eyes. Ya know." I coolly replied.

They all gasped and Kyouya spoke, "I'm sorry, but we're going to need you to work as the Host Club's maid. We can't risk any one finding out that Haruhi is a girl." I gaped at him.

"O-Okay." I managed to say. All I could think was, 'What will father think?'


There it is!!! I hope you like it! 

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いうぉゔぇよう!!!!  [(Ja nee!!!!)  See ya!!!!]

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