First Day as a Host

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I walked into the club room the next day after school, last night dad wasn't home so I got off from a beating.  I opened the door only to be attacked by a white light, rose petals, and a small blonde.  As I tried to pry him off of the leg he'd latched on to, Mr. Tall (A/N: Mori.)  Called him over to eat cake, "But I want to play with Yuki-chan!!" he replied sadly.  Mr. Tall sighed and returned to his guests.

Tamaki then announced that Hosting time was over.  He came up to me and said, "Hey, we haven't really introduced our selves yet, as you know, I'm Tamaki and that's Kyouya." he told me.  He waved the rest of them over and said,  "Introduce your selves!!"

The twins walked up to me, "I'm Hikaru!" one said.  "I'm Kaoru!"  Said the other, then, in unison they exclaimed, "And we're the Hitachiin twins!!"

The short blonde came up next, "I'm Haninozuka Mitskuni, call me Honey-senpai!  And this is Morinozuka Takashi, he's called Mori-senpai!"  He said, earning a grunt of agreement from Mori.

I spoke next, "I already know Haruhi.  It's nice to meet you all!!  My name is Ka-" I was cut off by Kyouya.

"Name, Katsou Miyuki.  Status, commoner.  Details, has a long past of bullying, unknown if ended.  Father is known as the drunk of town, mother died two years ago.  Had been sent to a 'hospital' for depression.  Has O.C.D. and a well known short temper...  That's all it says."  He turned and looked at me, by now I was shaking visibly with anger.

"Why. Why did you have to look up my personal life?  Then say it out loud!  What is wrong with you?!  Have you any MANNERS?!  That's it.  I'm taking the week off."  I shouted at him, looking him in the eye with my best glare.  For the 'Cool Type' he was pretty scared of my glare.  I ran out of the room only to run into a boy in a dark cloak with a cat puppet.

"Why, what is wrong?"  He asked in a soothing voice.  I timidly pointed to the club door.

"That bastard Kyouya looked up my life, read it aloud and looked proud that he'd found that stuff."  I sapt.

"Hm, would you like help from Belzenef and I?  We run a Black Magic Club and would be happy to curse this boy for you, and you can possibly join..."

"YES!  Thank you so much...  What's your name?"

"Nekezowa Umehito.  Please, call me Nekezowa-senpai.  What is your name, Miss?"

"I'm Katsou Miyuki, but you can call me Yuki-chan."  I smiled warmly at him.  Then I realized the time, "Oh!  I'm sorry Senpai, I have to go!  Bye!!"  I called to him as I ran to the front.  He just stood shocked and waved back.

After sprinting through town I finally got to the Hell I call home.  I opened the door and before I could speak I was pulled inside by my dad.  His alcoholic breath beating down on my face, "Why were you late?  I was worried!!!"  He roared, punching my collar bone and walking off.  I dragged  myself up to my bed and took a long, painful shower.  I got out and looked and the girl in the mirror, the one my mom would be so disappointed in.  Her hair was a mess and had dull, lifeless eyes.  I knew no one could ever see me as beautiful, and this was proof.  With my scars and bruises all over, how could any one love that?  Sighing, a stepped into my room and changed into a loose night gown.  I would assess the damage to my collar bone later, for now, I just want a full night of sleep.


Thanks for reading!!  Now, all I want is 5-  FIVE -votes for the next one!

Remember to...





Thanks!  :3

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