At The Beach

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Miyuki P.O.V.

Apparently, I came right after a ball and a jungle paradise thing. We're going to the beach now and I am kinda worried...  I mean, first, how will dad react?  Then secondly, how can I keep my secret?  I don't think I'd be able to handle seeing their horrified and disgusted faces.  My entire body...  Is disgusting.  Meh, whatever, I'll figure it out.  I always do.

Okaaay.  I'm in the club room with Haruhi and the twins are trying to find us swimsuits while dissing Haruhi.  "No no, NO!!  Honey- senpai, this two piece will help hide how Haruhi is as flat as a cutting board!"  They shouted in unison.  I snickered from my spot by the- CREEPY AS HELL -mannequins.  They turned with a glint in their amber eyes and a evil smirk on their faces.  "Oh don't worry Yuki- chan.  Your next."  They purred.  You know, it is at times like these where I would like to just curl up next to Honey and eat cake.  That's WAYYYY better than swimsuit choosing with the twins.  Then an idea came to mind.

"Wait!  Kyo-sama might bring the guests, what about that?!"  I shout to them.  They freeze and slowly turn to Kyouya, pleading with their eyes for him not to.

"Yuki is correct, I am bringing the guests.  We do have a club to run, you know."  He turned to me and smirked, pushing up his glasses.  I shivered as I remembered the incident in the kitchen.   This only made his smirk grow.  "Will you be swimming with us, Yuki-san?"

"N- no, I wont."  I answer, to which he frowns.

"Why not?"

"I don't really like the ocean, but I'll still go, if y'all want."  I reply.  He looks like he wants to push the topic, but decides against it.

"That's fine, but you must go.  Hikaru!  Kaoru!"  He shouts.

"On it!!"  They reply, and just like that I'm whisked into a changing room with the twins.  "You look like at least a D- cup, why not wear a bikini to show off?  Oh well, we need to get you changed!"  They got an evil glint in their eyes as they stalked towards me.

"Wait!  Why were you looking, and how'd you figure that out!?!  Perverts!"  I back up with my arms tightly crossed over my chest.

"Its not our fault that they're so big!  We cant help but notice, and we've seen Mori looking!  Same with all the others, even Honey and Haruhi!!"  They exclaim in my face when they had cornered me.  I shoved my arms out and ran between the space I made and out to the club room.

I stormed over to where Tamaki and Kyouya were talking and latched onto one of their sleeves each.  "Mommy, Daddy?  Hikaru and Kaoru are talking about my boobs!!"  I cried(fake tears), as Tamaki hugged me and Kyouya blushed slightly and chuckled.  Mori and Huruhi had faint blushes and Honey, Hikaru and Kaoru were tomatoes.

"WHAT?!  HOW COULD MY BOYS BE SO DIRTY?!?!?!  I'm so SORRY Yuki-chan!!"  He screams at the twins while I grin at them.  "I'll have Mommy help you pick an outfit at your house so we can go, okay?  Now go get ready!!"  He pushes me and Kyouya out of the room.

"I suppose we'll be taking my limo.  Lets go, I don't want to hold up the girls."  He pushes up his glasses and we leave and go to his limo.  "Ladies first."  I roll my eyes at him and slide in, him following after.

The car is silent, leaving me to think.  I'm lucky my dad is away at work.  Oh!!  I forgot to say what he works as.  He is a delivery truck driver, so he can be gone for weeks at a time, he's going to be back in four days though.  I hear Kyouya's voice break my daze, "Can we forget about the incident in the in kitchen?  I was half asleep and I don't know what I was doing..." this caused a strange pain in my heart but oh well.

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