The Night After, and Creepy Stares.

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Miyuki P.O.V.

Me and Kyo- sama still aren't on good terms.  I'm in the limo with the twins, they offered to drive me home and I said yes.  We are pulling to house when I noticed His car in drive way.  He came home early!!  I immediately broke into a sweat.  "Okay!  Thank you, guys.  I'll see y'all at school!"  I hop out of the car, grinning.  They smile and put up a peace sign, then they drive off.

I turn to my house, gulping when I see a blind pulled down and his eyes peering through.  When I know they're gone, I walk up to the door.  Before I even reach the handle, I'm pulled inside.  The drunken bastard was breathing down my neck.  "Who were they?  Let me guess.  You were whoring around!  SLUT!!  You are a disgrace."  He had me by the collar and he punched me in the stomach.  I kneeled over and coughed up some blood.  He let out a sadistic chuckle, dropping me to the floor.  He grabbed a handful of my hair.  "You're so much like your mother, it makes me sick!"  He tossed me across the room and I landed in the kitchen.  He came in and grabbed one of the knives behind me, not noticing the open window.  He cut across me, from my back to my belly- button.  Then he pulled me up and had me lean on the counter.  He took a fast slash from my collar bone, curving down my cleavage, and ending a few inches above my hip.  Tripping me, he kicked my sides.  "Good night, you fucking whore."  He spat on me and slammed his boot on my temple, knocking me out immediately.

______________________The Next Morning__________________(Still Miyuki)

Holy hell, I feel like I'm on fire!!  I mentally asses the damage.  Okay:  Bruised temple that is searing, two cuts on torso, lots of bruises, also on torso...  Don't forget the pedo handprints on waist, neck, thighs, and calves.  I stand up and hobble to and up the seemingly endless stairs.  After about five minutes, I make it to the bathroom, and strip for a shower, I look in the mirror.  My pale forehead had a bruise the size of a tennis ball, a cut strait across my side from my spine to my belly- button.  Another from the dip in center of my collar bone to my waist line, lining up with the hands.  More bruises splattered across my torso, and hands on my neck and down my legs.  I am a sight that some people in my position would cut to.  But I don't do that, I...  Stop eating.  It numbs the pain, you only focus on the growing hunger, making you forget about the other things bad.  I guess that's why I weigh 103lb at age 16.  I turn on the hot water 'til it burns, and I step in.  After I am finished, I smell like strawberries and vanilla.  Honey's gonna like that!~

I step out and, I'm not going to say I was warm and comfy, shivered at the cold.  Geez!  I hate the instant cold!  I quickly wrapped up my body with thin bandages threw on the uniform, (It's slightly warmer in the uniform) and slid on my long socks and shoes.  I raced out the door and hurried off to school.

When I arrive, I head strait to the classroom, only to literally bump into Kyouya, who was leaving the classroom.  I bask up and quietly hiss at the pain erupting through out my chest and stomach.  He looks at me in confusion.

"Are you alright, Miss Katsou?"  He asks.  I sigh mentally.  We've gone from Yuki- san to Miss Katsou again.

"I'm fine.  Now excuse me..."  I gently brush past him.  I smile at the only other person in the room.  My favorite darkened cat lover.  I walk over and take a seat at the spot next to him.  "Hey, Umihito- san!~"  He looks up and narrows his eyes.

"You're hurt."  He states.  I start to get a nervous sweat.  He pokes me right on a bad bruise and I gasp, gripping the now throbbing spot.

"H- how'd you kn- know?"  I pant.  He raises a brow and I get jealous.  "How do you do that?!  Er, back to the topic..."  He laughs and shrugs.  I pout and he gets serious again.

"I can see the lines of the bandages."  Was his only reply before the bell rung, making us both jump about 1,000,000ft in the air.  I stayed in the seat next to him and the whole time, Kyouya was glaring at me and him.  It was creepy.  I fell asleep, I guess and was woken to see Uhmihito smiling over me.

A question or two were on my nerves, so I had to ask...  "One!  Will you tell anyone?!  Two!!  How do you raise your eyebrow?!?!  It's inhumane!!  I'm jealous."  I  pout at the end of my rant and sighed rather loudly.

He only chuckled at my antics.  "I wont tell anyone, and I guess I am just special."  He smiles and let me hold Beelzenef.  I walked him to his club room and gave him his puppet.  I was turning to walk away when I felt strong arms encircle my waist.  I get spun around and he pulls me into a warm and gentle hug.  "Be safe."  Was what he said as sauntered into his club room.

This left me to confusedly walk to the Host's room.


Ahh.  I hope you all like it and will post some feedback for me.  I would appreciate that very much.  Oh, and I found the best thing EVER!!  It is quite a funny song!~  It's called Smackababy by MC Chris

I still haven't gotten anyone who wants a dedication!  Don't be shy!

Don't forget to...




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