Chapter 2: The other gems

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    As I walked behind Andrea my excitement built and I was also little scared. "Here we are" said Andrea as she stood in front of a big rock. "What is this a joke this is a rock how will any thing be explained by a rock"?

Andrea moved closer to the rock and put her gem to it. In a moment the rock opened up and revealed a long staircase. "Amazing that rock, the staircase how did you do that" I asked. "All will be revealed if you fallow me" she said.

We started down the stairs, it was dark but with every step I took I could see more light from the bottom. "How long is this going to take" I moaned. "Just a little longer" she said. As we stepped closer to the bottom I could see a big room form.

        In the room was a big table with five chair around it and four women. "Astrid this is Windy,Eve, Sunny, and Luna there are the other gems". "The other gems what do you mean by the other gems" I asked. "Ok ok let me explain, oh Windy can you get Astrid a  chair" Andrea said. Windy nodded and with a movement of her hand the chair come over to the table.

   "Sit sit now let me start at the beginning Astrid you are a very special girl" Andrea started. "You are not like most girls you have a very special power, you are a gem. We the gems control the earth and the things that help the earth like the moon and sun. You see Windy controls wether, Eve controls the elements, Sunny controls the sun, Luna controls the moon, and I control the animal kingdom".

"If you control everything on the earth then why do you need me" I asked. "Well you, Astrid have powers too that's why I was following you". "Really I have powers too what are they, no don't tell me, ok tell me". "Well your powers are...What time is it" Andrea asked. "It's about 7:00 pm"I said. "Oh my gosh it 7:00 my moms going to kill me got to go bye I'll be back tomorrow". "But but"...... I could not hear the rest of what Andrea said because I was running up the stairs so fast.

       When I got home my mom yelled at me for about a hour then sent me up to my room without dinner. I ran up stairs to my room and laid on my bed thinking about what power I had, for hours.

           In the morning I got ready for school, when my sister walked into my room. "I thought you were a dork before I found this ,but this just make it better". She held up her phone and showed me the video of me talking to Andrea in cat form. At the end Tina said. "Looks like Astrid made a new friend". "Wow Astrid your such a dork that this video got 1 million views in one day" she said. Then she walked away laughing at me.

When she left I ran out of my room and out of the house. I ran all the way to school and I jumped the fence and ran to the big rock. I banged on the rock screaming. "Let me in let me in" tears filled my eyes as I banged harder. "Ha ha ha oh my gosh first talking to cats now banging on a rock to let you in, you just get dorkier".

       I turned my head and saw Tina was standing right in front of me laughing at me. "Tina what are you doing here it's before school" I asked still with tears in my eyes. "I should be asking you the same question, but to answer yours my mom always drops me off at this time. So Astrid what are you doing here before school" she said.

             "I'm ah well"... "There you are Astrid I've been looking for you everywhere". Then I saw Andrea standing there smiling at me. "And who are you" Tina asked madly. "I'm Astrid's aunt Andrea and we are out here to have a picnic". "Ya she's only in town for a few day " I said making everything up.  "Ok you have an excuse this time Astrid but I will get you next time" said Tina looking at me madly and she walked away.

         "Thank you so much Andrea you saved me back there, hey how did you know I was here"? "I was really looking for you Astrid the aunt stuff I just made up on the spot". "Looking for me why? "We have something talk about, your powers" she said a little scared. "Ya I was up all night thinking about them what did I get". "Well did you wonder why none of the other gems talked to you"? "Well a little, what is it do they not like me or something oh no not more people not liking me" I said sadly. "No it's not that they like you, they're just scared of you". "Scared of me why would they be scared of me, I don't do anything wrong did I"? "No no it's just the powers you have that their scared of".

  "The power I have, what powers do I have then"? "Well you have all of them and more, Astrid you are more powerful than the gems".


To be continued

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