Chapter 13: Frozen

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                     At first I thought I was just hearing things, with everyone frozen. I looked all around no one was moving. "What are you looking for Astrid, wow everyone's frozen, this has been the weirdest day of my life". I looked down the person that saved me, was the person talking, and that person was Comet.

                         "Com-Com-Comet you're the person who saved me" I muttered. "Wow for a girl who just stood up to her crazy sister, you sure are speechless" he said smiling. "Why did you save me"? "Watch her die, or save the pretty girl, I choose the latter" he said looking me in the eye.

He called me pretty, he called me pretty! All I could do at that point was blush. "Now how are we the only ones not frozen in time" he asked. "I- I don't know, wait I'm so inconsiderate, you're hurt. My sister just through a fireball at you" I said starting to look were the bruise was supposed to be. "I'm fine Astrid" he said as I looked for the bruise.

                   "You- you are fine you don't have a bruise" I said not sure how it was possible. "You see I'm fine, now how did this happen" he asked. "I don't know, but I think I know who people might, come on" I said starting to help Comet up. Once Comet was on his feet, I took his hand and we started to run.

              We ran for what felt like a long time. "Astrid were are we going" comet asked almost out of  breath. "You'll see when we get there". "But Astrid this is taking forever" he complained. "I guess you're right"I said. "Thanks does that mean we can rest for a second" he said really tired.

"No but I think I know how it will take less time, take my hand" I said holding out my hand. "What why"? "You'll see trust me; you do trust me right" I asked giving a smile. "I guess" he said slowly taking my hand. "Good"!

            When he took my hand light surrounded us. When it was gone I looked down to see paws and to hear screaming. "Ahhhhh HOW IS THIS HAPPENING" comet screamed girlishly. "Everyone is frozen, you got hit by a fireball, I was flying, and you wondering how this happened" I said. "We'll explain how this is happening then" he said putting his foot- I mean paw down. "I'll do that later" I said trying to get off the topic.

"No, now or else I leave" Comet said forgetting that he was (like me) a red fox. "Fine I'll tell you, but it's a long story so get comfortable" I said starting to sit.

"So a few days ago I met the Gems and the are the people that control the functions of the world. I found it that I was one of the gems, I'm the most powerful one. When I got home my sister wanted my gem necklace, which controls my powers. I ran away from her and she followed me to where the gems are. She stole the gem's gems and teamed up with a mean girl named Tina. Sarah also stole my gem, double crossed Tina, and is now trying to take over the world with all the gems at her power. And now I have to save the world" I said out of breath.

"Is that it" Comet said. "Yes that's it, what else were you expecting" I asked frustrated. "I was expecting you to answer how you have powers without your gem" he said.

"I don't know" I yelled, "I just don't know" I said sadly. "What do you mean you don't know" he yelled. "The Gems said I'm their savior and I guess I can have power without my gem". "Savior, savior of what"he asked skeptical. "I don't what to talk about it" I said starting to walk away.

           "Some savior, running away from your problems like that" he said. "I'm not running away I'm"..... "Your what" he yelled.

"I'm scared" I said starting to softly cry. "I'm scared because I'm not even thirteen and I have this much pressure. I'm scared that I Will"... "Let everyone down, your scared that you'll fail" he said finishing my sentence. "Yah how'd you know" I said unsure. "Trust me I should know" he said sadly.

           "Really so a woman approached you and said that she had powers and so did you. And that you were going to save the world" I said being a smart alec. "No but I just moved here and everything is going so wrong at my house" he said laughing just a little.

               "Wow that stinks, hey thanks Comet" I said. "For what" he asked still smiling. "For just talking to me I feel better about this gem thing" I said. "Well your welcome, thanks for talking to me too" he said. "So where are we going" he asked. "No where". "What do you mean"?

       "I mean I'm done running, I'm done being afraid. I'm gunna finish this fight I started, no matter what" I said ready. "Are you forgetting something" he said looking down. "Oh ya that might help" I said starting to use my powers.

          With a flash of light we were back to normal. "Astrid are you sure about this" he said taking my hand before I could start time again. "I haven't been sure about anything lately, but I know I am now". "Then are you ready" he said still holding my hand. "Ready for what" I asked unsure what would happen next. "This" he said coming in close getting ready to kiss me.

         "What are you doing" I said before he kissed me. "Kiss you just in case" he said worried. "How about this, if I live you get that kiss. But if I die you forget about me, got it" I asked happily. "But what if something happens to you" he said a little scared. "Trust me I'll make sure I stay safe" I said walking away.

          I don't know what had gotten into me but a felt brave and I knew I wasn't that scared little girl anymore. I would be thirteen soon,and  I knew I needed to do this. For the gems, my family , the world, and most of all for me.

             I closed my eyes, I felt power course though my veins. When I opened my eyes everything was starting to move. And then I knew I could do this and save the world.

   To be continued

Hello everyone this is crazycatgirl20 I'm sorry it took so long to do this chapter I've been on writers block. Also I'm sorry if you didn't like this chapter also, but the story will pick up again in the next chapter. Thanks for reading bye.

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