Chapter 3:Getting my gem

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"Now what do you mean I'm more powerful than the other gems" I asked. "I mean you have all the power of the gems and more" she said. "So I can control the weather, elements, the sun, moon, and the animal kingdom, how , why"? "I will tell you when we get to the gem room come now". Andrea put her gem to the rock and we headed down to the gem room.

        When we got to the gem room I sat down with the other gems and Andrea started to explain. "Now Astrid the gems get our powers from something special in our lives" Andrea said. "You see I got my powers from my love of wether" said windy starting to speak up. "Ya and Sunny and Luna are twins,Sunny was born at 12:00 pm and Luna was born at 12:00 am". "That's why they control the sun and moon" I said. "Yes and I got my powers because I was in the forest a lot when I was little and I love animals" said Andrea. "So how did I get my powers or do I not have them yet" I asked. "Well you Astrid were born on the summer solstice and on a solar eclipse which only happens once one thousand years. But what makes you special is on that the time is you were born 11:59pm and the moon was full". "So what does that have to do with my powers" I asked madly.

"I'm getting to that, with all those factors and the full moon shining on you it give all the powers of the earth and more". "Astrid we have been waiting for you for many many years" Andrea said. "Astrid you will be our salvation, you will save the gems and the earth".

"WHAT in the world do you mean, I will save the the gems and the earth"I asked in a mad tone. "I mean you have a destiny a destiny to save the world" Andrea said.

"But before that time you must learn to master your powers" Andrea said. "Andrea are you forgetting something". "What am I forgetting Luna"? "Her gem your forgetting her gem, let me explain. Astrid these gems we ware around our me necks help control our powers without them there would be chaos. So to help you we will give you a gem" Luna said holding up a clear gem necklace. "It will change colors when you put it on" Sunny said handing me the necklace. When I put it on there was a great flash of light and I looked down at my gem. It looked like the earth, moon, and sun with a dark purple background. "Now Astrid don't let this get into the hands of anyone else". "Why, what would happen if that happened" I asked. "Then the person would gain powers, not your powers but powers so just be careful" Eve said. "Ok, wait what time is it? It's about 3:15pm, why" Sunny asked. "Because I got to be home at 3:30 pm so got to go bye I'll be back tomorrow" and I started running up the steps.

       When I got home I did the usual ate dinner, headed up to my room and did homework. I was doing my homework when my sister walked into my room and had a smug look on her face. "So why weren't you at school today and where did you get that necklace" she asked. "I was with a friend today and she gave me this necklace".  "Really, ok I'll make you a deal if you give me that necklace I won't tell mom you skipped school today we have a deal"? "No never I told her I'd never give this necklace to anyone else especially you" I shouted.  "Fine then I'll make you give me that necklace, MOM" she shouted, "your toast Astrid". "Fine I'll give you the necklace, but let me make you a deal let me keep it till tomorrow night and I'll do your chores for a week". "Make it a month and you have a deal, ha you do my chores and I get the necklace bye little sis".

After she left I sat in by bed all night thinking about what to do. When the morning came I got dressed early, said bye to mom, and ran to school. When I got to school I jumped the fence and ran to the rock. Before I could say anything I remembered Andrea putting her gem to the rock, so I did the same thing.

       In moments it opened I could not believe it worked, when the stairs came in sight I ran down as fast as I can. When I saw the other gems I said as loud as I could, "I want to learn to control my powers". They all stared at me with their mouths wide open.

      To be continued

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