Moment 8 - I F a i l e d A g a i n

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As I slowly open my eyes,  I feel myself lying on a small bed and see white ceiling. Not understanding, I move my head a little and lift up my fingers and realize I'm in hospital.Ugh. I FAILED AGAIN.

Weakly, the word "Mom?" comes out of my mouth and I see my mother running towards me. I stare at my right, on her face wet with tears. Why is she crying? She brings her fingers towards my face while sobbing.

"Why? Why did you do that?", she starts crying and I stare at her eyes, totally quiet.

"What?", I force out words from my mouth feeling pain in my whole body. Needles are inserted in my hands and a bandage is wrapped around my head.

"Tell me why did you jump from the roof? Did I do anything? Did anything happen? Tell me I'm your mother." Theses words make me open my eyes again and I start thinking whether to tell or not....

Heart: "Don't dare to. Why are they worried now. Couldn't they care when you attempted suicide for the second time. This is the third attempt and they're still asking. Why can't they understand what you're feeling."

Brain: "You always say they never interact with you. How will they understand you if you don't tell them. How will they help you if you don't explain. This is the third time you tried to die and it's not a small thing."

Heart: "What kind of parents they are who can't understand what their daughter feels. What kind of parents they are who can't help their daughter? Can't they see their daughter needs help. They always ignore your needs......"

"Say something, sweetheart."

"Mom, Dad, it was not suicide attempt........"


Some girls can't share what they feel no matter what. Sadly I'm one of those. Are you one of those?

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