Chapter 1

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A/N hi guys - I hope you like this story. That's all.


As I stepped off the plane, a gust of warm air hit me. Ahh, California. A place that felt just like home - Australia. I walked down the metal steps of the plane, buzzing with excitement for the day's surfing activities. I practically ran through customs and through to the other side, where my taxi was waiting to take me to my beach front hotel. Another car was taking my surf board and wetsuit to a beach hut nearby.

In the car, I thought about the competition I was going to be judging. I had never been on a judging panel before - I was usually competing rather than giving out scores. I was going to try to be as fair as possible, no favourites or special favours.

As soon as I had dumped my bags in my room, I sprinted down to the beach opposite the hotel, searching for my beach hut. 5 minutes later I had my wetsuit on and my trusty surfboard in tucked under my arm. The sea was relatively empty, probably because it was late afternoon and the sun had started to set. I could only see one other surfer. I spent the next hour or so riding the glorious waves of California, before realising the time. I swam back to shore and bent down to pull off my ankle strap.

Suddenly someone slammed into me and I was knocked to the floor, receiving a nice big mouthful of sand. I pulled myself up, coughing and spluttering, and shouted, 'Hey! Watch it!'
I lifted my head to see that the person who had knocked me over was a young girl, about the same age as me. She had chocolatey brown eyes and salty hair that was piled high on her head. She was breathtaking.
'Uh.. Sorry.. I didn't.. Oh.. I mean, I-' The girl cut me off with her nervous chuckle, before saying in a beautiful American accent, 'No, my bad. Sorry about the sand in your mouth.' She held out a hand. 'I'm Tay, where's that accent from? Australia?'
I took her hand. 'Jenna. And yeah, I'm judging at the surfing competition tomorrow.'
Tay's jaw dropped to the floor. 'Jenna? Jenna McDougall? International surfing CHAMPION? NO. WAY.' Tay squealed and began shaking my hand as if there was no tomorrow. My face flushed, it was rare that people recognised me, I was fairly new on the surfing scene. It was even more shocking that someone so beautiful could be excited about meeting ME. Little old me, boring Jenna. The girl who spends more time with her board than with humans.

Tay brought me back to reality by telling me that she was competing tomorrow at the competition. She invited me to go on a walk down the beach with her, and we spent the whole night talking about surfing. So much for that early night.

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