Chapter 10

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A/N - hello strangers! Long time no speak. Sorry about that... I've had a lot of exams and a severe case of writer's block. But, here I am! Has anyone heard PTV's new songs, and PVRIS' ?! How amazing are they?! Anyway, on with the story.

It was around 3:00pm, and Jenna and I had spent the day in our PJs, doing nothing, and talking about everything. It had suddenly hit me just how much I had missed her, which was weird considering I had only known her for a few months. It felt like I had known her my whole life.

"Hey, Jen?" I mumbled, mouth full of popcorn.
"Do you wanna watch.. The Lion King?!" Jenna rolled her eyes, a small smile forming on her lips. I was so glad that her spirits had lifted slightly.
"Tay! You've seen that movie too many times... But ok. We can watch it."
I squealed in delight, before running to get wine and more snacks. I returned to the lounge to see that Jenna had got some blankets and had put on the movie. I snuggled up next to her and passed the wine.

The movie had finished, and so had the bottle of wine.  Tay now had her hand conveniently placed on my thigh, and my head was resting on her chest. We were both feeling a little drunk, and I was one flirtatious drunk.
"Taaay..." I slurred, chuckling drunkenly at myself. Tay turned to look down at me, her eyes coming to rest at my lips. I reached up to touch her face, tracing circles with my thumb.
"Baby..." Tay muttered, her warm breath tickling my nose.
I suddenly had a rush of confidence, and leant up to kiss her. It was intended to be a short, sweet kiss, but in our drunken stupors, it turned into something more. Soon I was holding on to Tay for dear life, not able to get enough of her lips. Tay's hands were trailing over my legs, edging closer and closer to my waistband. Eventually our clothes had come off, and Tay tugged at the band of my underwear, whilst I was still peppering her with as many kisses as I could.

But suddenly, as Tay's thumb brushed under my underwear, a rising sense of panic overwhelmed me. I could feel my face heating up and my heart rate quicken, but I just put it down to the fact that I was incredibly turned on. I didn't want to spoil this for Tay, so I pushed on.  As we carried on, however, I felt goosebumps rise on my skin, and I found it harder and harder to draw breath.
Tay hadn't noticed, and has gripped my hips roughly, beginning to move down on me. I broke out in a cold sweat and yelped out as Tay began to move her tongue.
"Stop, Tay! Please!" I sobbed, "Please, stop.." I trailed off, sobbing and kicking at her. Tay looked up in shock and cried out as I kicked her face and shoulders in my panicked state. I could feel my mind cloud over and my breathing quicken even more as I entered full panic attack mode.
I began to rock back and forward, a sharp pain in my chest and black spots in my vision as I stopped breathing. I was having intense flashbacks to the night that Lynn did those awful things to me, and suddenly, I could feel all the bruises that she had left, as all the things she had said came flooding back.
"You stupid bitch! Why don't you listen to me?!"
"You will never disobey me again, Jenna, understand?"
"If I want sex, Jenna, you will give me sex. It's not like anyone else will ever want it from you."
Suddenly a gentle nudge brought me crashing out of my thoughts. "Jenna?" Came the quiet voice of Tay, "Jenna! You need to take a deep breath, in and out"
Somehow, Tay's voice calmed me down and soon my breathing had returned to normal. I opened my eyes to see her knelt down in front of me, eyes wide, with a bleeding and swollen lip from where I had kicked her.
"Tay! I am so sorry, I didn't mean to.. I really.. It was an accident! Don't get mad..."
Tay eyes filled with tears. Soon she was sobbing; choking on her words. "Jen, please... I would never get mad at you or hurt you...." She trailed off, unable to get out anymore words.

We sat like that for a while, until Tay had engulfed me in a hug that I needed to badly. She guided me back to bed and tucked me in, before flicking off the light. I lay in bed, unable to sleep, thoughts swarming my head at what I had just experienced, until I heard the bedroom door creak open.
I pretended to be asleep, but could hear the steady breathing coming from Tay.
She turned to leave, but not before whispering:
"What did Lynn do to you, Jenna?"

A/N - another intense chapter! I really don't mean to write these so intensely and so sadly. But they just come out, I guess. Your opinions and votes would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve my writing or the plot, please let me know. Credit would, of course, be given where due.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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