Chapter 9

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A/N - who's heard Pvris' new song?! *cries at how amazing it is* ANYWAY! Second instalment, as promised! :) please don't forget to vote and comment xxxx

I woke up to the sweet smell of blueberry pancakes. Weird.  Lynn never makes me pancakes, she doesn't like them.
That was when I opened my eyes, and realised that I wasn't at Lynn's. Still confused, I attempted to get out of bed and look around, but the bed sheets had got tangled around me. I thrashed out and could feel panic rising in me - why couldn't I get out of here? Eventually I managed to kick a leg free, but the rest of my body was still tangled in the sheets. I tried to sit up, but didn't realise how close I was to the end of the bed, and ended up landing on the ground with a thump. I heard a crack underneath me, and something sharp stick into my back. I shifted, still stuck in the bed sheets. Hopefully someone would come and help me get out of these things...

Suddenly, the door burst open, and a tall figure with dark hair ran into the room. Tay. She noticed me, stuck on the ground, and came over to help. She carefully unraveled the sheets from me, sending sparks up my arm every time we touched. Eventually she pulled me up so that our eyes were level, and I noticed a genuine, deep look of concern on her face. I took a step back, wondering if she would shout again. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my foot at I looked down.
"Shit! Jenna, your foot's bleeding! Wha- oh. You stepped on my picture." Tay mumbled the last words, and her face changed to sad. Confused, I looked down. My foot was, indeed, bleeding, and I had, indeed, stepped on her picture. I was going to get in trouble for this.
"Tay! Oh, I'm so sorry.. I just... I got stuck in bed... It must've broken when I fell on the floor... Please don't get mad... I'm.. I didn't mean to!" My foot really was starting to hurt now, but I was so worried that Tay would shout, or hurt me. But to my surprise, Tay just looked at me and said, quietly, "I'm not mad, Jen. I would never hurt you. I'm sad because that picture... It meant a lot to me." I looked down and noticed that the picture was of me and her, on the beach. With a sharp pain I realised it was from the first day we had met. We were holding hands, my head in Tay's shoulder, hair salty from the beach. What's more, I was smiling. That hadn't happened in a while. What had Lynn done to me? No, Lynn had done nothing! It was me, I needed to get out more, be happier. Yes, that was it.
Tay brought me out of my thoughts when she lead me to the kitchen to clean my foot. I ended up on a chair, with Tay, cross legged in front of me, holding a towel to my foot.
"Thanks for this, Tay." I said, avoiding her gaze. I didn't want to make her angry like I always did to Lynn. "I know that this is kind of awkward and stuff.  Actually, I should call Lynn, she'll be wondering where I am.."
I went to get up, and Tay shot up, pushing me back down on to the chair by my shoulders. "No!" She shouted. Tears began to stream down my face. I had messed it up again, I thought. Tay was angry, and now she was going to hurt me.
But instead, Tay's face softened.  She dropped the towel and reached out to me.  I flinched away, tears still running,  but Tay didn't make a move to hit me. She touched my face, wiped away my tears, and reached down to lace her fingers with mine. She leaned closer, so that I could feel her breath against my lips. I noticed that she had tears running down her face, too. Tay wouldn't hurt me.
"Jen..." She breathed. Lynn never called me Jen. "I'm so sorry.  Please don't call Lynn.. She's not good for you.. You can't let her hurt you..."
Slowly, she pulled up my sleeves and stroked the bruises made by Lynn. They were her fingerprints, scattered all over me. Fingerprints from that awful, terrible night. Tay reached down and kissed every bruise.
"But Lynn doesn't mean to hurt me, Tay. She can't help it. I just make her angry..." Tay's head shot back up and she looked me carefully in the eye.
"Jenna, listen to me very carefully. Do not blame yourself for Lynn's disgusting actions. Lynn is dangerous and controlling. You need to end it with her."
What?! End it... With Lynn?! But she loved me! I couldn't do that to her. Tay was just jealous.
But then, I thought back to past relationships, to Tay and I. Tay was right... Lynn was dangerous. I couldn't let her control me. My heart shattered in my chest as I realised what I'd let her do to me.
"What have I done?" I whispered, bursting into tears all over again. I had let Lynn get to me, I had let her do things to me that I used to promise myself I would never let happen. My head fell into Tay's shoulder as he stroked my hair.
"You haven't done anything, baby. You can stay here as long as you like, Jenna. I'll take the couch, no worries. Just please, stay away from Lynn."
I nodded into her neck, finding comfort and safety. I felt so bad for leaving Tay, my beautiful, sweet Tay, who had always wanted the best for me.

We sat like that for a while, unmoving, until we could smell burning.
"The pancakes!" Tay yelled. They were completely destroyed.
I laughed,
and could not stop.
I walked over to Tay and she held me as if she would never let go.

A/N - that was intense to write. And very sad. I feel so bad for Jenna. Will she be strong enough to end things wth Lynn? And what will happen with Tay?
(The truth is I don't know, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I'm as clueless as you guys. I think the next chapter will be just a filler, though, and less dramatic. Peace.)

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