Chapter 7

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A/N - Hello everybody! 550 reads! THANK YOU. I hope you enjoyed the chapter I just uploaded. I wasn't really expecting to write it like that. Anyway! Back to Tay's point of view! Is this where everything goes wrong..?

TAY'S POV*****
I slammed my phone down in anger. I can't believe that Jenna had the nerve to call me up! After cheating on me only 12 hours before! I groaned to myself, partially at how much I missed her, partially at how angry I was at her, but mainly because of my throbbing hangover. I made my way to the kitchen, gulped down some pills and a large mug of coffee, before checking my phone for messages.
17 missed calls from: Jenna 💜
3 messages from: Jenna 💜
2 messages from: Alex Gaskarth

I sighed, ignoring the messages from Jenna (and making a mental note to erase the heart from her name), and moved onto the messages from Alex.

Alex: hey Tay! I heard about Jenna. Pretty rough, huh?

Alex: I'm coming round in ten mins, I've got coffee.
I smiled to myself and realised that at least Alex always had my back. And, he had coffee. As if on cue, the doorbell rang and I could hear the faint, annoyingly cheerful humming of Alex.

I opened the door to see an even more annoyingly cheerful face, with bright blue hair spiked up in all directions.
'New song?' I asked him, when he didn't stop humming.
'Yeah! Jack and I just figured out the chord progressions for somethin' special we got cookin' He said excitedly. I chuckled, before grabbing the coffee from Alex. We had a long chat about Jenna, a few tears were shed on my part, and a few hugs were given on Alex's. He assured me that Jenna was a dickhead for going off with Lynn, and that it was her loss not mine. I appreciated his efforts, but they did nothing to cheer me up.
'Have you heard from Lynn at all?' I sniffed, leaning my head on his shoulder. He smelled like pine and musk, just like when we were going out. If never really worked though, we were just too close as friends.
'Yeah, I have actually,' he replied, 'It was really weird. She said something about Jenna being uncomfortable with you and I being friends with Lynn, because we might 'hit on her' or something' Alex rolled his eyes, and I sat up to face him, wondering if he's got his facts wrong.
'That doesn't sound like Jenna... Are you sure that's what she said? Jenna would never prohibit her partner from seeing anyone...' Something didn't seem right.
Alex insisted that he was right, and even showed me the text to prove it. I felt like I had been crushed all over again. I thought I knew Jenna! I guess she had been lying to me all this time.

I was an emotional mess again, and had resulted in curling up on Alex's lap, with him hugging me tightly. Suddenly he lept up, causing me to land on the floor with a loud thump.
'I know what will cheer you up!' He shouted.
I gave him a questioning look, still a bit preoccupied with the throbbing pain in my head and now my butt, from landing on the floor.
'A partaaaay!' He exclaimed. 'Everyone is gonna be there! It's tomorrow night!'
I agreed to going, what harm could it do? Getting drunk would just take my mind off things anyway.

Lynn and I had been watching movies all day. Her angry side hadn't come back, and I was currently cuddled into her neck, hiding away from the horror movie that was on the TV screen. Suddenly Lynn flicked the movie off, and began to trace her hand up my inner thigh. I shivered, too tired to play this game now. I groaned at Lynn and pushed her off me.
'Not now, Lynn. Can we do this another time? I'm too tired'
'But babe, I want you now.' Lynn whispered in my ear, tugging at the waistband of my shorts. 'Come on, it's only a bit of fun..'
'No Lynn, I really don't want to! Please, I'm not up for it.'
Lynn didn't want to take no for an answer, and kissed my lips forcefully. Soon she had straddled me and had pushed me down, so that I was lying underneath her on the sofa. I tried to wriggle free, but she was much stronger than me and was holding my hands above my head.
'Lynn let go! You're hurting me!' I shouted, tears beginning to fall as she kissed my neck. She found my sweet spot, and soon I was a writhing mess underneath her, not wanting to enjoy this, but not being able to help it. The tears were flowing freely now as she yanked down my shorts and moved down on me.
'You will not disobey me again, Jenna. If you do you're going to have a lot worse coming your way. I always get what I want.'
I accepted defeat as she carried on, and I hated myself as she made me climax even though I didn't want to. This was my fault, I shouldn't have said no earlier.
When it was over, Lynn picked me up, dried my eyes and tucked me into bed.
'Go to sleep, baby. That was fun, for me at least' Lynn chuckled, and I drifted off to sleep, wondering why on Earth I had left Tay.

A/N - I hope I wrote that right... I'm so sorry if this offends anyone, it's purely fictional. Obviously this would never happen to the characters in real life and  I know that Lynn would never do such a thing. Anyway, opinions!? I was actually going to write it so that this happened to Tay, but I guess my mind had other ideas, haha. Peace.

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