Chapter 5

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I woke up with a warm, tanned arm tight around my waist, and a nose lightly brushing my shoulder. I chuckled to myself and turned over slowly so that I could face Jenna, and gently nudged her to wake her up. Jenna's nose twitched as she swatted my hand away from her face, making an adorable little groan in doing so.

"Jenna, baby, wake up, you have surfing comps to judge and we have a party to go to tonight." I whispered playfully in her ear. Yes, today was the day of Lynn's party, and I had been planning, after two weeks of accidentally thinking of her as my girlfriend, on asking Jenna to be my girlfriend tonight, at Lynn's party. Just the thought of it made my heart flutter and my stomach turn to jelly. It wasn't helping that Jenna had decided that it would be funny to trace her fingers lightly up my thigh, until her hand was placed firmly on my hip, her thumb making small circles on my skin.

I wriggled towards her, pressing my body as closely as it would go next to hers. By this time, Jenna had moved her hand up to my boob and was attacking my neck with her kisses, lightly sucking on my sweet spot repeatedly. I let out a low groan and could feel her smirk against my skin. I placed my hands on her hips as she straddled me, her touching and kissing becoming more frantic the whole time until I was a squirming, whimpering mess underneath her.

I grabbed her cheeks roughly and pulled her lips to mine, before whispering, "Jenna.. I want you to...please..fuck me" in between kisses. Jenna seemed to growl into my lips as she yanked down the waist band of my pyjama shorts.
"Get ready, baby..." Jenna whispered seductively into my ear.

After about 15 minutes of the best sex of my life, I fell on top of Jenna and snuggled into her shoulder. She sighed in contentment and kissed my forehead, before muttering something about being late and needing to take a shower - leaving me alone in the bed.  10 minutes later Jenna was out the door and running to the surfing competition she was meant to be judging.

I decided to stay in bed, as it was still early, and just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard my phone go off.  It was probably one of the guys from WATIC wanting to arrange a rehearsal. I grabbed the phone, but then realised it was actually Jenna's phone. She must've forgotten to take it.  I didn't want to pry on her messages, but I had pressed the home button as I thought it was my own, and the message on the screen nearly caused me to drop the damn thing.

Lynn: Hey babe, I miss you;) xxxxx

I slammed the phone back down, not quite knowing what to think. Of course, it could just be friendly, I call my friends 'babe' all the time! But that many kisses? And a winky face? That's not very friendly at all.
Jenna wouldn't cheat on me, would she?
A/N - guys I'm gonna make this chapter extra long because I'm too excited to leave it any longer! Woo!

*Tay's pov***

'Hello?' I croaked. I had been taking a nap and was woken up by the sound of my phone going off. What did Lynn want?

"Hey babe, it's me, I think I left my phone at home. I bumped into Lynn so I thought I'd call you and tell you that I'll just meet you at the party tonight, because this comp is taking longer than expected" came the voice of Jenna.
Suddenly the message I read on Jenna's phone came back to me and I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. 
"Oh," I said, "okay then. I'll bring your phone for you. See you later."
I hung up before Jenna had the chance to say anything more and looked at the time. I was going to be late for the party!

*Tay's pov*
I pushed my way through the party at Lynn's that I had just arrived at, which was now in full swing, in search of Jenna. She shouldn't be hard to find with her bright blonde hair. I had her phone to give her, and a very important question to ask her. My hands clammed up at the thought of asking her to be my girlfriend.

I scanned the crowd and spotted Jenna, breathtaking as usual, talking to Lynn. Since when had they become such good friends without me noticing? Jenna and I had spent practically all our time together these past few weeks.  I smiled to myself as I made my way over to her and wondered how on earth I had got someone as beautiful as Jenna all to myself. Her and Lynn hadn't spotted me yet, so I came up behind them and was about to surprise them both, when something happened that made my heart shatter in my chest.

Lynn raised her hand up to Jenna's face and Jenna moved closer to her, before crashing her lips against Lynn's and leaning against the wall in a dizzy, hot, mess.
I let out a cry of pain that I didn't know I was holding in, causing both Jenna and Lynn to turn around in shock. Jenna stared at me, mouth slightly agape as she realised the enormity of her actions.
"Tay..." She began, but I interrupted her by shoving her phone into her hand and shouting,
"How could you do this Jenna? I trusted you! I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend tonight. And you, Lynn! You've known Jenna for five minutes and me for five years! I don't understand!" The last word came out as more of a sob as by this time, tears were streaming down my face. I angrily wiped my eyes and turned on my heel, ignoring Jenna's calls after me and sprinted out the door and all the way home.
I cried myself to sleep that night with a trusty bottle of vodka, now empty at my side, wondering what to do next.

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