Chapter 2

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Tay walked me back up to my hotel room. She explained that she wasn't actually in any of the competing heats tomorrow, but that there was going to be a big party tomorrow night, and asked if I wanted to come.
'I'd love to!' I said. 'It would be good to meet some other people, I don't exactly have that many friends here' I chuckled. Tay laughed and said goodbye, telling me that she would pick me up tomorrow at seven.

After a hectic day of judging, I barely had time to get ready for Tay's party. My hair still had salt in it when she knocked on the door and I barely had time to slap on some mascara and lipstick. I opted for wearing some black skinnies and a band shirt. Vans on my feet, of course.

I opened the door to Tay, who was wearing almost exactly the same thing as me. We instantly burst into laughter when we saw each other. It was so strange how we were so similar and completely comfortable in the other's presence, and yet we had only known each other for 24 hours. I really hoped she was gay. She probably had a boyfriend though, who was I kidding.

'You ready then?' Tay asked when we had finished laughing. I nodded and we made our way down stairs to her car. We laughed the whole way there, making stupid jokes and learning a lot about the other.

There was a comfortable silence in the car, and suddenly Tay asked, 'So do you have a boyfriend back in Australia?' A weird looked had crossed her face, as if she was.. Jealous? No, it couldn't be jealousy. I laughed and said, 'Nope, I don't bend that way if you know what I mean. But I don't have a girlfriend either.'  Tay visibly relaxed at hearing that, and her face flushed bright red under the street lights.
'What about you?' I asked.
She shrugged. 'I have this sort of boyfriend.. We've been on and off for a while now, but I think we're sort of coming to a mutual end. It was nice while it lasted, but we're done now. He's called Alex. Nice guy, not my type.' My heart dropped a little bit. So she was into guys. 'Then what is your type?' I asked. Tay grinned mischievously and quickly glanced at me before looking back at the road. 'Oh  you know, blonde. Australian. Doesn't have a dick. That kinda thing'
I went bright red, my stomach doing somersaults in my body. I didn't know what to say, so the car became extremely awkward. Luckily we had arrived at the party host's house at that moment.

The party was in full swing, and I hadn't seen Jenna since we walked in. She ran off to get a drink and then I lost her. I wasn't really one for drinking, and plus I had to get Jenna home safely. I was beginning to regret what I said in the car. I've only known the girl for a day, she probably isn't even into me! And now I've gone and fucked up a perfectly good friendship. She probably just -
'HEY TAY!' Someone screamed in my ear. I jumped around, only to find a much drunker Jenna than when I had last seen her. I chuckled, and she grabbed my hand, sending electric shocks right up my arm. She motioned for us to go outside where it was quieter.

As soon as we were outside, Jenna pushed me against a wall and pressed her face close to mine. I could feel her warm breath on my lips, and smell the bitter scent of beer. Her fingers trailed up and down my arm, leaving goose bumps. Suddenly her lips had crashed against mine, her tongue tracing my lips, which were by this time kissing her back with as much passion as they could give. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her even closer to me. But then I remembered: Jenna was drunk. I stumbled back and pushed Jenna away from me. I don't think she realised it, but a tiny pout played on her lips and she said, 'Hey! What was that for!? We were having so much fun!'
I sighed and grabbed her hand. 'Jenna, you are drunk. We can't do this now. Come on, I'll take you home,'

The car journey back to Jenna's hotel was a strange one. Jenna kept pointing out random things about California, making me laugh at her childish drunkeness. When we arrived at her door, she turned to me, and said in a perfectly sober voice: 'I'm not drunk, Tay. I just wanted to see if you really did like me.' She grinned and pulled me into her hotel room.

I slammed the door behind us and lifted Jenna up as she wrapped her legs around me. I leant her against the front door and placed my lips roughly against hers. A moan escaped my lips as Jenna rocked her hips against mine and grabbed her face in my hands. She pulled away, her beautiful blonde hair tickled my cheeks.
Panting, she whispered, 'Let's not do this now, I'm tired, can we just go to sleep?' I nodded and carried her into the bedroom, the both of us collapsing onto the bed, kicking of our jeans and crawling under the covers. Jenna buried her face in my shoulder and fell asleep in seconds. She was breathtaking.

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