Chapter 4

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A/N - HI GUYS! Sorry I haven't updated in forever, I've had a lot going on and I've been going through some personal stuff. But I finally worked out what's going to happen in this story! Prepare for an emotional roller coaster...
PS this is a bit of a filler chapter. But I'm writing two in a row so no worries.

As Jenna and I walked out of the bathroom, hand in hand and hair ruffled, I spotted a blue - haired, abnormally tall boy sitting next to a partly shaved, brown haired girl. I pulled Jenna over to Lynn and Alex, who immediately stood up to hug me, but also pulled Jenna in, resulting in one massive group hug in the middle of a tiny café.
"So you must be Jenna! It's great to meet you. Lynn and I have heard a lot about you!" Alex chuckled.
Jenna laughed back and looked over at me. I proceeded to glare at Alex, for giving away this information, who was now blushing and grinning sheepishly. Lynn seemed to also be blushing, and staring at Jenna, notably at her lips.  I shrugged it off and we went and sat down.

After fully catching up with and, in Jenna's case, getting to know, Alex and Lynn, we settled into a comfortable silence, each person slurping on their milkshake. I gazed out over the sea and was instantly calmed, I hadn't been surfing in ages and was dying to go out and shred some waves. I was quickly brought back into reality when I felt Jenna's thumb flick across my thigh, sending shivers up my spine. I looked over to her, wondering what I had missed.  Jenna laughed at my confused face.
"Tay, Lynn just asked us a question. Do we want to go to her party in a couple of weeks?"
"Yeah, of course we do! Yes! That'd be rad! We've actually gotta dash, Jenna, we've got a dinner reservation booked for an hour's time. We'll see you in two weeks guys!"
Alex waved bye and Lynn stood up to hug Jenna and I. Did she hold onto Jenna a bit longer than socially acceptable or was I just being paranoid? Shrugging off my feelings of unease once more, Jenna grinned at me and snaked her arm around my waist. All my worries disappeared as I leaned in for a sweet kiss. I waved bye once more to our friends and walked back to the car with my beautiful girlfriend in tow.
Did I just call her my girlfriend? Shit. I didn't mean that.

A/N - please don't forget to comment, share, like, and let me know what you think! Nothing much happened in this chapter, but be ready for more to come.
Drop me a message if ya feel like it!
Love you all,

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