October awkwardly tried to hold her books as she jumped out of the car at her new school. It was her 6th new school in the last four months and frankly, she's sick of moving. She tightened her leather jacket around herself as she stared straight ahead, chin held high, and back straight. She looked tall and proud as kids moved for the new girl. She hummed the last song she heard which was 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance.

Luke took a long, slow drag of his cigarette, watching the dweebs hurry into the school. He puffed the smoke out as He thought he'd only go in when he was forced.

Finally, he saw a new girl get out. He wanted a closer look at her. She was the only girl who dared to wear a leather jacket. Not only that, her legs in those skinny were just- Wow. He was also impressed by her taste in Music, seeing her The 1975 tee. He snuffed out the cigarette and flicked away the bud, following in behind her.

October walked into the office, asking for her times table.

"You'll need a guide." The office lady told her.

"I'll show her around." A smooth Australian accent cut in from behind her. She didn't dare turn around.

"Mr. Hemmings? Since when do you-"

"Let's go." Mr. Hemmings demanded. She turned around and was awestruck by his beauty. She could stare at him forever. She refused to meet his eyes as she side stepped around him and walked out.

Luke was shocked. No girl had ever done that him before. They always checked him out or stuck to him like glue if he showed the slightest interest. Now she just walked away? And he didn't even know her name!

He caught up to her and slung his arm around her shoulder. She struggled to move it, but he had it wrapped around her tighter than a boa constrictor.

October handed the boy her Times table and watched him scan the paper. Girls were giving her the dirtiest looks and whispering while the boys winked at her or shouted dirty pickup lines at her.

"We've got 3 classes together." He smirked at her and she felt uncomfortable. She broke out of his grip and hurried to find her locker.

When she finally found it, She slung her bag inside and bent over to get a pencil and her binder.

Luke had to bite his lip as her admired her. She was gorgeous. Wow. It took all he had in him not to go grab her, slam her against the lockers, and kiss her.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder when she closed her locker and walked her to her first period.

He was almost there when his friend, Adam called him away. When he let go, she ran away. He frowned after her but rolled his eyes. He could find another girl.


October took half an hour to find her first period.

"Why are you late?" The teacher asked loudly.

"I got assigned a guide who wouldn't do his job and left me so I had to find my way here on my own." She numbed, blushing. The teacher gave her an apologetic look and let her take a seat in the back of the class alone.

Luke roamed the halls boredly, looking for something to do. Finally, he just decided to get to first period.

His teacher, Mr. Rose, gave him a stern look and just slid him a detention slip, not bothering to yell at him since it never works. He saw the girl in the back of the class and went to sit next to her, but Amber caught his attention. He sat next to Amber but kept trying to make eye contact with the girl.

Amber eventually got annoyed as class ended and slid to sit in Luke's lap. He moved his head away from her's so he could see the girl again.

October just wanted him to go away. He was annoying and full of himself. As soon as the bell rang, she grabbed her binder and hurried out.

The last thing she needed was him annoying her. She scoured the halls until she finally saw her next period class. She slid into a random seat in the back.

Luke slowly walked around the halls, winking at random girls and humming to himself. What song was that girl humming this morning...

'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance! That's it. This girl was like perfect!

October ignored everyone and focused on her studies. She was so relieved when it was time for lunch. She followed everyone toward the canteen and bought a bag of crisps. She saw that the tables were arranged into their normal groups. Jocks with Jocks. Popular Girls with Popular Girls. Nerds with Nerds. Misfits with Misftis.

Normally she would sit with the misfits but she didn't know anyone there so she started to go to the library until seine caught her waist.

Luke grabbed her and pulled her to him.

"Come sit with me, Sweetheart." He whispered in her ear, leaving a lingering kiss.

October blushed but walked right out of his arms to the library. She hid there for the rest of lunch, getting to know the librarian, Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Evans was from America with a thick Boston accent.

The rest of the day passed as a blur for both October and Luke.

October filled her bag with her binder and notebooks before slinging it over her shoulder and locking the locker. She hurried away so that annoyingly attractive boy wouldn't catch her. She started walking home, her ears filling with Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls.

Luke started his car and looked around the parking lot for the girl. When he didn't see her, he shrugged and started his drive home. He lit a cigarette and put it between his lips.

When he saw her walking, he drove up beside her and honked, startling her. He chuckled and rolled down the window, shaking the ashes off of his cigarette.

"Hop in. I'll give you a lift, Sweetheart." He winks. She shakes her head and continued walking. His car purred along beside her. "C'mon. I don't bite."

October refused to talk to him. She hated the fact that he smoked those killing sticks that killed her whole family. That and alcohol. Plus, She would not give him the victory of hearing her voice quiver at the thought of him. She finally turned into her driveway, waving a sarcastic goodbye to the boy and stepping inside.

Luke scoffed at her and squealed his tires as he drove away, toward his house. He parked and walked inside, killing the light on his cigarette and hiding the bud in the outside hanging plant that only he could reach because of his height.

A/N: Hope you like. This is just an intro!

I love you!

-Peter Pan X.

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