School the next day was so boring the next day.

Luke filled his time with annoying October. He wanted to know her name, hear her voice, and feel her skin. He was just infatuated with her.

October just wanted Luke to go away. He was so attractive. His looks were like a black hole drawing her in, but she struggled to not fall in. October had never been in love before. She scared away any guy who ever showed interest in her.

October was terrified of love.

Luke tried not to think about how weirdly his mothered acted this morning when he and Juliet left for school. She was crying and hugging and kissing them, telling them how much she loved them. It worried Luke.

October tried to avoid Luke at lunch but he grabbed her waist and forced her to sit with him. He obviously expected her to sit in his lap but she sat far away from him. He frowned and pulled her close to him and she gave up, laying her forehead on the table tiredly.

"So, Luke, who's this?" Another boy asked. She sat up and glared. He looked Asain. She could speak for herself.

"I dunno. She won't talk to me but she's got awesome taste in music and do you see her? She's gorgeous." Luke pointed to her. She turned her glare to him.

"Did it ever occur to you that she may be Mute?" Another boy asked, quietly. He had curly hair held up by a bandana.

"Oh God, I'm sorry-"

"I'm not mute. I just don't want to talk to you." October answers rudely. The boys chuckle at Luke.

He frowned. "Why? I've been nothing but nice to you since you got here."

October's stubbornness faltered for a second before she growled and stood up. "Because I've got enough problems as it is and I don't need you making it worse!"

She stomped off, leaving Luke awestruck. No girl has ever stood up to him before. That makes him want her even more.

She sits in the library, ignoring the world as she hums to herself.

The end of the day came too quickly and Luke got in the car, lighting up a cigarette and sticking it between his lips. He waited until she left the school and followed her, pulling up beside her. "Need a ride, Sweetheart?"

October sighed and stuck her ear buds in, turning up her music. Luke honked the car and she jumped.

"Ugh! Fine!" She yelled, getting in and slamming the door shut. He smirked and she just stared out the window.

"See? I can be nice." Luke laughed and turned up the radio, puffing smoke out of his mouth.

"Please don't do that while I'm in here." She asked smally. Luke turned to look at the girl.

"Don't do what?" He asked confused.

"Smoke. It's disgusting." She says fearfully. Luke respectfully throws it out the window. She sighs in relief. "Thank you."

"Welcome." He pulls up in her drive way and turns to her. "Can I ask for one thing since I drove you home?"

October sighs. "I knew there was a catch."

"No! I just want to know your name." He begged her.

She thought for a moment before getting out and looking at him through the open door. "October." She slams the door shut behind her, hurrying inside before her dad saw her with a boy.

Once inside, she finds her dad peeking out the blinds at the driveway. She knew she was dead.

Luke continued his drive home, humming along to the radio. October. October. Unique name for a unique girl. He pulled up at his driveway, parking the car and walking in. The bus should drop Juliet  off in a few minutes.

He walked inside, finding his Mum on the floor, obviously dead. She had a bullet hole to the temple and a gun beside her. He gasped and ran to check on her. He called triple zero but no one could do anything. He had to wait for the coroner to get there. He packed a small bag for him and Juliet. They would stay somewhere else for tonight. He walked back outside and stuffed the bags in his trunk as the bus let Juliet off.

He picked her up and kissed her forehead. "Let's go stay at a friend's house, yeah?"

"Yay!" She cheers. Luke chuckles and puts her in the back seat. Luke jumps in the driver's seat and drives toward Ashton's house.

A/N: There's most likely a double update coming later!

I love you!

-Peter Pan X.

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