★OᑕTOᗷEᖇ'ᔕ ᑭOᐯ★

I followed the little girl up the stairs to her room. I expected pink and Barbie and Justice, but when she opened the door, I was met with a total grey decor. The little girl went right to her closet and pulled out two bags.

When I glanced in her closet, I was surprised to see two different sets of clothing. A pink set and a black set.

"Daddy no like when wear black. Makes me wear pink ta school." She said as she hugged my leg. I picked her up.

"Well then, let's take your black clothes. Screw pink!" I smile at her and she cheers.

"Yes!" She giggles. I start to pull shirts off hangers and fold then up, sticking them in her tiny black bags. Then, I move on to pants and coo at her tiny black skinny jeans. I even find a black tu-tu!

Once we had all her clothes packed, she ran around the room, handing me stuff to put in the bag. Soon she finished and we sat cross legged on the bed facing each other.

"You know Lukey?" She asked.

"Ever since my first day, he's followed me around school." I giggle.

"Lukey is the best big brother in the world!" She exclaims proudly. I smile and pet her hair.

"I'm sure he is, Lovely." I nod.

She looks at me before smirking. "You like Lukey!"

I blush and giggle nervously. "Psh. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh! You love Lukey!" She screeches. I shush her in fear that he'd hear her.

"I don't know! I think. It's only been a couple of days."

"You can fall in love at first glance. Love doesn't have an assigned time. Do you enjoy being around him?" She asked.

I nod.

"Do you feel fuzzy inside when he talks to you?"

I nod.

"Could you stand the idea of Luke being killed?"

"What?! No!" I shake my head and the toddler smiled at me.

"I hate to break it to you, but you're in love." She giggled.

"You're so smart little one!" I coo and hug her. I'm terrified of love! But maybe it's time to get over it and Jump in.

☹ᒪᑌKE'ᔕ ᑭOᐯ☹

I was done packing. We just had to stop at the bank.

I carried my bags to Juliet's room. "Can I get your bags, Princess?" I ask and hold out my hand. She got up from the bed and handed me her two tiny bags.

I shot October a wink before walking downstairs and putting the bags in the trunk. I was still smiling.

While the girls were inside, I lit a cigarette. I puffed out the smoke slowly. I continued this motion until I heard the girls walking down the stairs. I put out the light and put the bud in the hanging plant.

Juliet ran to me and I picked her up. "Hey, Princess. Ready to go?"

"Yes, Lukey. But I gots a secret to tell you." She giggled. October was already in the car so I smiled at the little girl and nod.

"Go on."

"October is in love with you. She told me!" She squeals and my smile drops. Love? That a big word. But maybe.

"That's cool, Princess." I say and sit her in her booster seat. I lean in to kiss her head but she frowned and turned away from me. I frown and sit in the front. "What's wrong?"

She doesn't answer just ignores me and October looks at me worriedly. I sigh and lean froward, turning up the radio.

Lost in Stereo by All Tine Low came on and Juliet stared out the window, moving along perfectly to every word of the song. October smiles back at the little girl. I like that October likes Juliet.

October loves me? Maybe it's time to try this out.

"Where to first October?" I ask.

"First, we have to get out of this state." She tells me. I nod and start our long drive. I couldn't help it, I lit a cigarette and stuck it between my lips as we drove away. The smoke curled from my lips and I felt free.

A/N: Here's your update.

I love you.

-Peter Pan X.

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