Chapter 8

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Leo's POV

A few tears escaped my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. They didn't say anything and neither did I. A nurse opened the door and motioned for Vic to follow her. He got up quietly and followed her. No one made a move to say anything and eventually Vic came back.

"You can go home," he said with a small, sad smile. I nodded and a nurse came in and unhooked me from all the wires. Vic handed me a small bag of mine that he had filled with my clothes. I went into the bathroom to change when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My teal and purple hair was all over the place and there were dark circles under my eyes. Both wrists were bandaged and my skin was almost half black-blue, half normal due to all the abuse. My make-up was smeared and my eyes were dull, almost gray. I quickly changed and left the small bathroom.

"The others went ahead," Vic said.

"What do they think about me now?" I asked, my voice barely audible. It took him a minute to understand.

"They were just shocked, they couldn't understand how someone as beautiful, talented, and awesome as you, could feel the way you do. They really love you. Do you want to go to my house or?"

"Honestly Vic, I would love to spend Christmas with you, but I need to go home and straighten some things out," I said. He nodded his head as we turned onto my street. I pushed the door to the house open and set my bag down on the couch. I walked into my room and looked at the mess. I stripped the sheets off the bed and took them to the garbage. I pulled my dark red sheets out of the top of my closet and quickly began putting them on my bed. When I finished I saw Vic standing by my desk looking through my artwork. He noticed I was finished and turned around. He hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"I know you said you wanted to straighten some things out, but my invitation to spend Christmas with us still stands." I nodded and he started to walk out. He walked back over to my desk and grabbed a pen and some paper.

"Here's my number, if you need anything or just want to talk, call me," he smiled, again and left.


The past few days have been nothing but me focusing on my art. This poster needed to be perfect. The doorbell rang and I looked up from my art for the first time in hours. Rockstars, paint brushes, and broken pencils covered my floor. I stood up and looked in the mirror to see I had paint and graphite smeared over my face and there were dark circles under my eyes. My hair was up in a messy ponytail and my once black t-shirt was now covered in paint of every color. My clock read 8:03 AM. I opened the front door to see Jaime and Vic.

"Hey guys," I mumbled, leaving the door open. I walked into the kitchen and started making myself a cup of coffee.

"Everything okay over here?" Jaime asked. I nodded as I poured the coffee. I grabbed the mug and walked back into my room. I took a sip before grabbing my brush and starting my work again.

"Lee... what's this?" Vic asked. I shushed them and continued my work. I added a few final brush strokes and put my brush down.

"Just whatever came to mind," I said, admiring my work. I had turned the white piece of paper into a statement. The drawing was a girl, sitting alone crying. She had knives made of words stuck in her back. There was blood coming from where the knives had struck her.

"Lee, you are a fucking prodigy, I've never seen anyone create art this amazing!" Vic exclaimed.

"This is a fucking amazing piece of work, but I have a feeling it's been the only thing you've focused on," Jamie said. "But it's winter break, you need to have some fun! We're going ice skating and you should come."

"Okay, let me get ready," I said, pushing them out of my room. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, my 'Appetite For Destruction' t-shirt, my Van Halen sweatshirt, and my red vans. I quickly put on a thin layer of eyeliner and mascara and grabbed my wallet. I met the boys on the front porch and locked the door behind me.

Twenty One Pilots Self Titled Album

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