Chapter Six

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There was a small thump and instantly Dean was awake, his hand closing around the sawed-off shotgun that he slept with under his pillow.  He raised his head, peering around the motel room to see what had caused the noise.  "Sam?" he said, voice gritty from sleep.

Sam froze sheepishly from where he was trying - and failing - to walk stealthily towards the bathroom.  It was just impossible to move that much Sam without making a noise.  "Did I wake you up?"

Dean grunted and let his head fall back onto his pillow.  "Yeah."

"Sorry," Sam apologized.  "I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay."  Dean yawned widely, then rolled over and peered at the digital clock on the nightstand in between the two beds.  The numbers 9:27 glowed at him with a soft red light.  Seeing as he'd gone to sleep somewhere around two thirty in the morning, that meant he'd gotten about seven hours of sleep.  That was refreshing for someone who normally only got four or five hours every few nights.

Dean sat up and knuckled his eyes to rub the sleep out of them.  Then he rolled off the bed and went over to the tiny motel fridge where he'd stashed the microwavable breakfasts that Sam had bought at the convenience store.

As he shut the microwave door and pressed "Start" the doors to the TARDIS creaked open.  "Dean!" the Doctor greeted him enthusiastically.


The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS and patted her side happily.  "The TARDIS is all back to normal now!" he said cheerfully.  Then he realized that something was cooking and sniffed the air experimentally.  "What are you making?"

Dean opened the microwave door.  "Breakfast sandwich.  Want one?"

The Doctor shook his head.  "No.  You wouldn't happen to have any fish fingers and custard, would you?"

"Fish fingers and... custard?" Dean asked.

The Doctor nodded primly. 

Dean shook his head.  "Dude, even for me, that's gross."

The Doctor shrugged.  "Thought I would ask anyway," he said.  Then he turned back to the TARDIS and clapped his hands.  "Well!  Now that sexy here is up and running again, I'm going to go pick someone up.  I think she might be able to help us with our little situation."  He stepped into the TARDIS and paused before shutting the door.  "I should be back in about twenty minutes.  Or, you know, an hour.  I've got no idea when I'll be back, actually - it could be a few seconds or hours upon hours upon hours.  The TARDIS is a bit unpredictable in her old age."

Dean raised an eyebrow, his mouth full of breakfast sandwich.

"Okay!" the Doctor shouted.  "See you soon!  Or, not so soon.  You know."  He slammed the door behind him.

The light on the top of the TARDIS flashed and it began to make the same screechy wheeze noise that Dean was now familiar with.  He watched as she flickered in and out of sight until eventually disappearing altogether.

The bathroom door opened and Sam poked his head out, a towel wrapped around his waist.  "Where's he going?" he asked.

"To go get someone, apparently," Dean said after swallowing his mouthful of breakfast sandwich.  "Said she should be able to help us."

Sam nodded.  "We could use any help we can get," he commented .  "Hand me my clothes."

Dean leaned over, grabbed the fresh clothes that Sam had left on his bed, and threw them to him.  Sam caught them and shut the bathroom door again with a quick "Thanks".

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