Chapter Seventeen

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They didn't know what to do next.

The time energy bomb had successfully destroyed all of the weeping angels that were flocked around Manhattan. The bomb destroyed the demons' hosts in such a manner that the demons were ejected rather violently - with Moriarty gone, they chose to leave instead of trying to resume the siege on the city.

When Moriarty had fallen off the roof of the building, Sam and Dean had bolted to see who it was, both of them praying that it was not one of their friends who had fallen. Their prayers came true - it was Moriarty, and he was definitely dead on the ground.

They had waited for someone else to come down - but when Sherlock nor John had exited the office building, they began to get nervous. The Doctor was nowhere to be seen and they decided to go check it out themselves.

Dean stayed on the ground with Cas to watch over the unconscious angel - he could not be awoken, no matter how many times the brothers tried. Sam took a flask of holy water with him when he reentered the unstable office building.

Sam climbed the sixty flights of stairs, again, and eventually made it to the top, completely out of breath and with his legs on fire. There he found a small desk rammed up under the hatch to the rooftop that Sherlock had stood on to get up onto the roof.

Sam stepped onto the desk and pulled himself up to the roof, a cold fist of fear closing around his throat, making it difficult to breathe. He scanned the rooftop, flask of holy water ready, tensed and anticipating an attack.

Sherlock had been almost catatonic when Sam found him. The detective was on his knees, next to John's body, with his fingers wrapped around John's wrist, searching for a pulse that was not to be found. Sherlock's eyes were wide and blank, unseeing.

Sam stopped, putting a hand over his mouth. "Oh god."

John was dead. Three bullet wounds in the torso and excessive blood loss had taken care of that quite effectively.

Sherlock was so unresponsive that Sam had to lead the detective with a hand on his trench-coated arm. So Sam carried John's body over his shoulder injured-soldier style and pulled Sherlock along behind him back down sixty flights of stairs, all the while struggling to remain in control of his emotions.

He'd made it back down to the road, shoulders and back aching from John's weight, just in time to see the TARDIS crash down on the road and skid to a halt with a horrific scraping noise. The Doctor and Clara had piled out, both looking windblown and exhausted, only to encounter the horrible scene.

Dean had taken one look at Sherlock and John's body and known instantly what had happened.

The Doctor grabbed Clara by the shoulders and steered her back inside the TARDIS as she broke down into sobs.

Once she was tucked safely in her room, where she wouldn't be able to see the proceedings, the Doctor came back out of the TARDIS and pulled Sherlock inside to his own room. Sam stretched a sheet out over John's bed and gently laid the army doctor's body on top of it. Dean, unsure of how to proceed otherwise, carried Cas to Dean's own room and laid the still-unconscious angel on his bed.

The Doctor put Sherlock to bed as well and he, Sam, and Dean met in the control room.

There was complete and utter silence for a few moments.

The Doctor rubbed the TARDIS console gently. "She's completely burned out," he commented quietly. "When the demon got on board he threw her off-kilter, then the time energy bomb sucked most of her energy away and blew it sky-high."

"A time energy bomb," Sam said softly. "So that's what destroyed all the weeping angels."

"We have more important things to discuss then time energy," Dean snapped. He rubbed one hand up and down his face, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "Let's start with something relatively simple. What's wrong with Sherlock?"

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