Chapter 5

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Spring is here 

The sky is blue 


Birds all sing 

As if they knew 

Today's the day 

We'll say I do 

And we'll never be lonely anymore 

Because we're 

Goin' to the chapel and we're 

Gonna get married 

Goin' to the chapel and we're 

Gonna get married 

Gee, I really love you and we're 

Gonna get married 

Goin' to the chapel of love 

The Dixie Cups 

It was one sunny afternoon during the following week when I next went to see my new found love; if indeed that is what she really was. She worked as some sort of secretary and administrator in a cardboard factory on a small industrial estate, in the neighbouring town of Baldock. As far as I was able to ascertain it wasn't very well paid nor very labour intensive, as she very often came home in the early afternoon with lots of time on her hands. This was such a day. When I rang the front doorbell she had only just got in from work and was still in her plain work clothes. She was in her usual jolly, bouncy mood and excitedly greeted me with more passionate hugs and kisses. She took me into the kitchen and put the kettle on to make us both the usual cup of tea. Then she went upstairs to change and get ready for going out. As I stood around waiting and drinking the tea I remembered what my mother had said to me earlier that day. 

"Just take everything she says with a big pinch of salt." She had advised. 

"She is in love with the idea of being in love, is that one." I mused and thought to myself; if all this did turn out to be phoney, maybe in time I could change all that, and gradually work on her to make it into a 'proper' relationship. Who knows, perhaps I could even get her to grow up and mature a bit in the process. Then I could be really happy with her and feel a lot more secure in my mind. It certainly seemed worth a try. After all what guy could resist someone who in all other respects so perfectly fits their idea of a dream baby? Despite all else she certainly was sexy pin up material. But Nikki was already much more than that to me. I already thought of her as my partner, and my Dancing Queen. 

I finished my tea as she came striding to the bottom of the stairs. 

"Look! I bought myself this dress to go out in; it's a rock and roll dress. What do you think of it? It's great innit!" With that she did a slow twirl in the centre of the room. She looked extremely pleased with herself and smiled broadly at me. The dress was made of rather thick and heavy black material. It had broad and bright red trims on the hem, sleeves and large circular collar. She was also wearing lots of pink lacy petticoat which made it puff out a lot. On her feet she wore small black shoes. She looked just like she had just stepped off the set of 'Grease', 'American Graffiti' or any other fifties musical rock and roll film. She looked a real peach and a picture. It is said a picture is worth a thousand words. 

"Oooh! Ah! That's different, that looks nice. Are you gonna do some rock and roll dancing, wearing that then?" Thinking back, it was an obvious question I suppose. 

"Oh yeah, of course!" 

"That's if we can find somewhere where they'll play it though. So what do you wanna do today? There's a fair been set up all along the High Street in Stevenage Old Town, would you like to go there this afternoon?" 

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